Health is one of the most important factors for human happiness and therefore those charged with maintaining public health bear a heavy responsibility. Preparation for this role begins with a Masters in Public Health (MPH) Degree. The degree prepares a student to take on the complex challenges that come with ensuring that members of society have access to essentials like:
· Adequate healthcare
· Clean air and water
· A safe workplace
None of these problems are easy to solve, hence the need for specialized training for those who aspire to leadership positions in the field of public health. The Masters in Public Health degree signals an individual’s competence to handle careers such as:
Community Health Promotion Specialists
These professionals are charged with developing and implementing health programs for communities and the different demographics within them. They are also expected to monitor and evaluate the results of those programs and to assess the health education needs within their community. Community Health Promotion Specialists will also communicate with officials on matters related to public health.
Public Health Sanitarian
The inspections of restaurants and other food service establishments, along with hospitals and seniors’ residential facilities are all part of a public health sanitarian’s job description. They work to ensure that those facilities adhere to public health codes and investigate any reported outbreaks of illness and any hazardous conditions that could affect the health of the community. They will prepare inspection reports and document any failures to comply with the law.
State Epidemiologist
These public health workers are responsible for communicating with legislators, healthcare professionals and the public about diseases. They are required to analyze statistics and implement plans for improving public health. Their duties may also include investigating incidents of disease in both the human and animal population of their state. State epidemiologists may also manage a staff of clerical and technical personnel.
Industrial Hygienist
The prevention of occupational diseases and other efforts to improve the health of workers are both elements of an industrial hygienist’s job description. They may be required to conduct investigations and inspections as a part of their duties. At an advanced level, they may be expected to supervise other hygienists and monitor their work.
Patient Health Education Director
These professionals develop and implement patient education programs within a healthcare facility. To this end they may consult with doctors and administrators as well as the patients themselves in order to get an understanding of what the patients need. Health Education Directors also work to educate patients and their families about the patient’s health needs which can enable them to make decisions. They also improve the quality of the care their facility provides by monitoring and evaluating care-delivery processes.
Individuals can tailor the skills they have acquired via their Masters in Public Health degree to suit a variety of jobs. They may even be able to focus their education on those areas that would best suit them in a particular position. A Master’s in Public Health degree course may cover such areas as child and public health, as well as the surveillance and control of infectious diseases.
Dee Fletcher is a freelance blogger and ghost writer. She writes guest posts and website content for a variety of different blogs and niches.
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