We all want to live a long life, stay healthy, and look our best. That’s why we try to watch what we eat and make sure that we exercise regularly. We also floss our teeth every night, apply sunscreen before going to the beach, and we never miss our doctor appointments. Be proud of yourself; you’re doing the right thing! However, chances are, you could also be guilty of some of these bad habits that might pose a health risk, and what’s bad is that you aren’t even aware of that! Allow us to present the 7 bad health habits that you should break before turning 30.
1. Skipping the Most Important Meal of the Day
Have you been skipping breakfast lately? You better stop doing that, because skipping this important meal of the day is unhealthy and could have a negative effect on your weight, metabolism, and even blood sugar. If the reason why you’re always skipping breakfast is because you don’t have much time to prepare your meal or something like that, you can always munch on a piece of morning toast or enjoy a bowl of bran flakes. This would kick start your metabolism and you’ll feel alert all throughout the day. Not just that, studies show that breakfast-skippers have the tendency to overeat later in the day.
2. Being in a Bad Mood
If you’re always irritated, frustrated, and stressed, you’re releasing a lot of stress hormones that could increase the blood pressure and blood sugar, lower immunity, slow digestion, and you’ll feel terrible. Stress shouldn’t be permanent, but short-lived, because it’s our fight-or-flight response. However, modern lifestyle contributes to a lot of stress, to the point that it negatively affects one’s health. Some health problems, such as being overweight are often caused by stress– overeating is usually the coping mechanism for this, and it adds up to your long list of health problems.
3. Eating Your Kids’ Leftovers
As parents, we don’t want to waste food and that’s why whenever our kids leave the table and haven’t finished their meal, we can’t help ourselves, but eat the leftovers. What you’re not aware of is that consuming an extra 100 calories, like half a cup of mac and cheese, every day would easily lead to a pound of fat after a month. No matter how tempting it may be, eat what’s on your plate and not what’s left on your kid’s plate. Also, learn to recognize the feeling of being full and you can always pack the leftovers in airtight containers to save them for future use.
4. Spending Too Much
Financial problems could have such an effect on one’s health that it can even lead to serious health consequences. In fact, research shows that financial worries can contribute to depression, high blood pressure, headaches, insomnia, digestive problems, ulcers, aches and pains, weight loss, and excessive smoking and/or drinking. To avoid that from happening, spend what you’re only capable of earning. Try to refrain from using credit cards or borrowing money from other people because this could lead to more stress in the long run.
5. Excessive Smoking
Smoking is the most popular, yet the most harmful habit here on earth. It’s the main cause of cancer deaths, heart disease death, and being a chronic smoker also increases the risks of developing mouth, bladder, and throat cancer. Not just that, this disgusting habit could also raise the odds of strokes, heart attack, high blood pressure, and asthma attacks. Quit smoking as early as possible so that you have a better chance to avoid these diseases. Those who have a hard time quitting cigarettes can switch to e-cigs; IEC provides complete guide to e-cigs and e-liquids and their usage.
6. Eating Fast
Those who are always busy are guilty of this; because they don’t have much time to sit down, they’d rather stuff everything in their mouth and finish the meal as fast as they can. Eating too fast could trigger acid reflux, bloating, and excess gas. Also, it takes around 20 minutes to get the message from the stomach to the brain that you’re full. This is probably why you’re gaining a few pounds or losing weight is difficult.
7. Slouching Most of the Time
Perhaps, slouching is the most comfortable position for you than standing or sitting upright. However, the comfort you enjoy for a couple of minutes or hours could be the cause of your tension headache. Our head weighs around 10 pounds and if it’s not squarely above the shoulders, this would put much stress on the neck muscles. Consciously try to keep straight and quit slouching.
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