Hearing aids are truly functional and useful for hearing impaired individuals. And with latest technologies stepping into the picture the general use and function of this useful tool has improved and innovated greatly in their favor. The invention of induction loops has been around for decades but it is just recently that its use can be maximized and enhance the use of hearing aids. The process of relaying signals through the use of a telecoil (a small receiver) has been successfully incorporated in the manufacturing process of the latest design of hearing aids. It has become a standard part in hearing aids made in Europe. In America, it is now recognized and always comes as an attached accessory for every purchased hearing aid. Hearing aid manufacturing giant Siemens hearing aid has also adapted this technology and encourages buyers to avail of this useful accessory. Induction loops and microphones can now be found almost anywhere, in places where there are large crowds like; airport, bus terminal, building halls, stores, malls, and most public places.
What Is The Advantage Of Using A Telecoil?
Induction Loop based hearing aids or Telecoil has many advantages that are in favor of the hearing impaired. When outdoors or in a large crowd, it can effectively minimize or block the noise of the surroundings which usually causes sharp feedbacks in the hearing aid user. It can also significantly improve the noise ratio. Another benefit of t-coil use is on the telephone. The electromagnetic signal that the telephone directly receives does not require the activation of the microphone, thereby it reduces the feedbacks and noise that may interfere with the signals transmitted or received by the hearing aid user. The reduced transmission interference and noise lessens the environment noise making the listener more focused on the received call or conversation. It is also advantageous in public places or where most crowds gather and converge. When a hearing impaired person is in a public place, events or large malls there is a bigger possibility of having a difficult time to listen to their surroundings. This kind of environment is prone to so much noise pollution, and extreme difficulty of the listener to identify their source of sound. When an environment or a designated public place is equipped with an induction loop system in key areas, the sound signal will be directly picked up by the t-coil accessory attached to the hearing aid. The user will just simply press a button to activate it and the sound will be heard without so much background noise and interference. Aside from being easy to use, it is also a very affordable accessory.
What is The Disadvantage of Using a Telecoil?
Beside its good points there is also an accompanying negative side to its use. T-coils are specifically designed for speech or communication use. If it picks up noises made by music, the sound will obviously be distorted. Itβs because of the simple reason that music is usually made up of high frequencies that the t-coil cannot process properly. Another disadvantageous side about t-coils is that the range of signal received (bandwidth) or transmitted when in a public place relies heavily on the position of the induction loops. Since the loops are usually settled in a fixed place the signal strength use is limited to how near or far the user is. Lastly, t-coils produce buzzing sound when the signal undergoes interference from electronic appliances that is near the hearing aid.
Ernest Poh founded The Hearing Centre Pte Ltd.Β The Hearing Centre is your one-stop centre for complete hearing aids and hearing conservation services. Ernest has been fitting hearing devices since 2004. Visit his website at http://thehearingcentre.sg to learn more about the different types of hearing aids and the possible causes of hearing loss.
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