Breast cancer has become a major threat in women from almost all parts of the world. Recent researches reveal that there is a massive increase in the number of female diagnosed with cancer of the breast. Also, studies show that cases of breast cancer are by far much beyond other kinds of cancer experienced by women like cervical cancer. However, if detected during the early stages of development, it is possible to control this frightening condition. This calls for women to carry out regular medical checkups to come up with the right remedies.
Most cases of breast cancer have been found estroge- responsive. As a result, tumour grows with respect to the estrogen. Nolvadex is a remedial designed to prevent adverse effects of estrogen. Besides treating existing breast cancer, it is the right alternative for women who come from a family with a rich history of breast cancer. However, just like most drugs used in therapy, Nolvadex can as well lead to various side effects. In addition, cancers treated with Nolvadex become resistant to the drugs used in the long run. A number of natural alternatives have been certified to any patient who responds poorly to Nolvadex. Here are some of the most proven alternatives. VH Nutrition does not recommend discontinuing use of Nolvadex. However, if you are looking for Nolvadex Reviews and are considering purchasing Nolvadex you may want too try using a natural estrogen blocker such as EstroBlox or Aromavex as these can help as well without the side effects of Prescription Medication.
Raloxifene is an estrogen-blocking medicine that serves as an alternative to Nolvadex. It belongs to the family of estrogen inhibitors known as selective response modulators. Raloxifene (Evista) prevents estrogen receptors from being activated on the breast cells hence preventing estrogen signalling. Prescribing Raloxifene to patients who are at risk of developing breast cancer prevents development of cancer by interrupting estrogen signalling in the breast. According to some experts Raloxifene is more suitable to women in post-menopausal stage. It is either prescribed as a breast cancer remedy or for treating osteoporosis. It also protects development of breast cancer.
Anastrozole is also another alternative to Nolvadex therapy. It comes from a class of drugs known as aromatase inhibitors. These drugs prevent production of estrogen. Estrogenβs molecular structure is based on present cholesterol-like chemicals found in the cells, and specific proteins generate estrogen. Its role is to inhibit chief proteins that are involved in synthesizing estrogen. This in turn stops the production of estrogen. Arimidex works best in the treatment of metastatic breast cancer especially in post-menopausal women during its initial stages. Patients can also take it to recurrence of breast cancer.
Medroxyprogesterone Acetate
Medroxyprogesterone is another certified hormone-based cancer treatment that serves as an alternative to Nolvadex. Medroxyprogesterone (Provera) is an artificial chemical that functions like progesterone. Both are responsible for signalling in breast cells. Though the exact method through which Medroxyprogesterone fights cancer is yet to be known, it serves two major roles. A part from disrupting estrogen signalling, it can as well kill cancer cells directly.
Medroxyprogesterone is prescribed for breast cancer conditions that have developed resistant to Nolvadex or other hormone treatment.
Experiencing side effects is common to most drugs taken to protect various diseases. These alternative measures may also show some few cases of unusual effects. However, taking requisite measures keeps you on the safe side free from breast cancer diseases. Even though there are some factors that contribute to the development of breast cancer, which are beyond human control, prevention is better than cure. Whether young or old, using these natural alternatives for Prescription Nolvadexs will definitely leave you with relief.
VH Nutrition writes to help give perspective of the entire market of a products purpose be it prescription or natural supplements.
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