Do you bicycle regularly? If so, you should understand that biking can be dangerous. Most people will only consider the repercussions of getting knocked off of their bike, but this is truly only a small portion of your worries. If you’re not careful and do not take the appropriate precautions, you may very well wind up getting hit by an automobile or find yourself in a bad neighborhood. Below, you’ll find tips for keeping yourself safe, while enjoying your time with your bicycle.
Properly Maintain Your Bike
A bicycle might be much less costly, but it works almost identical to an automobile. Both need appropriate maintenance, in order to work efficiently and safely. In order to ensure that your bicycle is actually safe for a long trip, you should check the tires, breaks and the chain. Make sure each and every one of these components is in tiptop condition, so you don’t wind up stranded on the side of the road or on the dusty mountain path. Carrying a spare tube and pump is a good idea, if you plan on traveling over a long distance and through rough terrain.
Make Yourself Seen
Unfortunately, drivers aren’t the most careful people in the world. In fact, automobile drivers can be some of the most distracted people. They might take their eyes off of the road to change the radio station, grab a French fry, or check their cellphone. In order to prevent an accident, you’ll need to make sure these individuals are well aware of your presence. The best way to achieve this goal is by dressing appropriately. Wearing a reflective vest and bright colors is a good ideal. You may also want to consider adding flashing lights to the back of your bicycle. This combination will help to ensure that you’re visible throughout the day and night!
Wear A Helmet
Despite taking the aforementioned precautions, there will still be a chance that you’ll become the victim of a bicycle accident. The preventive measures may be able to diminish the probability minutely, but the chances for an accident will still remain. With this in mind, you should never ride a bicycle, unless you’re wearing a helmet! The helmet will be able to protect you in the event of a crash and could very well make the different between life and death. If you wish to learn more about bike safety and helmets, be sure to check this link
Always Pay Attention
At the end of the day, it is truly your responsibility and yours alone to keep yourself safe, when riding your bicycle. Nobody else is going to look out for you and make sure you do not run into trouble. With this in mind, you need to remain focused on everything around you to ensure you do not get hit by a car. Always look both directions before attempting to cross the street. Also, be sure you ride a safe distance from the roadway. By incorporating these tips into your bicycling, you’ll be able to greatly decrease your chances of getting injured.
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