With spring nearly here, it is time to dust off our trainers and get out the lycra in preparation for a summer of fitness fun. 2013 looks set to see a new array of fitness trends emerging into the media and the few that have broken through so far are certainly not the norm, incorporating everything from fun runs through to sports day games such as wheelbarrow races! However, if you prefer your fitness a little more conventional then why not start with jogging, swimming and cycling which are great for all round fitness and fun.
For other more traditional style why not have a look at Youwin for some handy hints and advice. So the winners for the most unconventional fitness trends have got to be these for their sheer strangeness.
1. Backwards Running
Backwards running means LITERALLY going backwards; if you have ever had to walk backwards then you will know just how tricky it can be. Although running backwards does sound strange there are actually some proven health benefits, according to a 2011 study, you will use 30% more energy when running backwards and by launching from the front of your foot you will do less damage to your knees! The problem, however, is obviously that you won’t be able to see where you are going.
2. Trapeze Classe
Ever been to the circus and thought ‘Goodness that trapeze looks like fun?’Well if you have then this is definitely the trend for you. Trapeze bars are now available to buy as part of your fitness equipment, although I would advise going to a planned class. Trapeze work mainly surrounds the core muscles and obviously the arms and back; you will really be up against gravity. This is a great alternative to the monotony of other gym equipment and could become as big as pole dance workouts have.
3. Dog and Owner Yoga
Originally I presumed this was the latest fad in Los Angeles or Miami, but NO, this really is a legitimate fitness craze that is sweeping worldwide. So here is how it works; some well trained yoga pooches will actually take part and form poses alongside their owners, however, more often than not, the pups will relax on their owners back whilst they workout. The majority of classes in dog yoga are held outside and can be tricky to find – trust me though, they are out there!
4. Barefoot Sports
Barefoot marathons have been around for the past few years and are generally only undertaken by the fittest of the fit, or people who enjoy severe blisters. But 2013 is set to see barefoot sports become a huge trend, whether you are running, cycling or playing tennis – think of the money you will save in trainers. This one does come with a health warning though, you need to be very careful what ground you are on – gravel probably isn’t the best idea. The majority of research suggests starting at home and getting your feet used to having no protection.
So there you have some of this year’s weird and wonderful trends that I will certainly be trying this year.
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