It’s one of those topics that is going to be in the news for as long as the world spins round. Unfortunately, we’ve now got to a point where there is so much information published about losing weight, that much of it is actually inaccurate.
This can be for a number of reasons. Firstly, as research progresses, advice can change. Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, the internet has bred a lot of so-called experts – many of which don’t have any substance to back up their claims with.
As you may have gathered, today’s article is going to look at some of the best weight loss myths and debunk them for good. Hopefully, by the end of the piece, you’ll at least have some guidance on how best to tackle your fitness journey.
Myth #1 – All supplements are dangerous
Unfortunately, the term “supplement” has been branded with something of an inaccurate reputation over the years. Considering all of the furore with steroids, it’s probably no surprise.
However, the point we are trying to make is that not all supplements and vitamins are bad. In fact, the vast majority on the shelves are very effective.
For example, protein is something that won’t just help you build muscle mass, but it will also curb your appetite. Then, there are the likes of BCAAs, which will preserve your muscle even if your body desperately wants to tap into it as an energy source.
These are just two examples but the point we are trying to make is that a lot of weight loss journeys will be fuelled by smart supplement usage.
Myth #2 – You have to run miles upon miles to burn the calories
As we all know, cardio activity is something that does burn calories. This is something that has never been questioned.
However, if you are under the belief that this should be your principle method of training, you might be mistaken.
Resistance training is often associated with bodybuilding, but tap more into the benefits of this and you will soon see that it’s something which can also prompt calorie burning for hours upon hours after you’ve finished your session. Your metabolism will be in overdrive, and this is something that can dwarf the calorie burning effects of cardio activity.
Of course, there’s nothing wrong with cardio, but sometimes it’s worth opening your eyes up to some of the more efficient methods of training.
Myth #3 – It’s all about the amount of calories you eat
Finally, there is another element in truth in this myth. A lot of people who are looking to shed the pounds are so concerned about watching how many calories they consume, they miss the point.
The fact that guys like Michael Phelps eat in excess of 12,000 calories when they train should show that it’s not all about sticking to one number. You have to consider what you are eating (i.e., not consuming too much fat), and also how much exercise you are doing. In relation to the latter, your diet just won’t be sustainable if you are exercising regularly yet sticking to a tiny amount of calories per day. It’s just asking for you to regularly dip into the cookie jar.
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