Get Ripped Abs
Struggling to Get Perfect Abs? Discovers the Secrets Now
It's the #1 mistake you're making when you train your abs. You're probably doing these exercises right now. In fact, a PRO fitness model was doing the SAME exercises as you're doing right now that can be RUINING your abs and actually CAUSING back pain.
So if you really want to train your abs right, then make sure you're not making this mistake...
What You Will Get...
- A strange but simple technique to disengage your hip flexors from taking over so that you can target primarily your abs.
- A simple way to position your body for maximum contraction of your abdominals.
- The correct breathing technique to shorten your abs 57% more (By the way, shortening your abs is the key to making them POP).
- An PNF (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation) trick that lengthens your abs further before you contract them.
- How to incorporate the 4 functions of your abs i.e. hip flexion, trunk flexion, lateral flexion and trunk rotation for eye-pleasing development.
- The vital missing volume and rest-period prescription you MUST apply to target the endurance nature of the abdominal fibers.
- Recent breakthrough research that explains how to PROPERLY incorporate cardio to spot reduce stubborn belly-fat!
Watch This Ab Workout
Don't Settle For Less Than Ripped Abs
You've watched Vince Del Monte's videos and you've seen how ripped this guy is.
Isn't it time you got into shape to look like him?
All it takes is to follow these super shortcuts and you will be RIPPED.