Your skin is your body’s largest organ, so keeping it healthy throughout the year is crucial. The sun’s harmful rays can cause a plethora of health problems, so sunscreen is vital. However, the wrong sunscreen could expose your body to all kinds of other health risks, which is why it’s very important to keep a look-out for signs that your sunscreen could actually be damaging your health.
Here in the United States, the FDA doesn’t regulate sunscreens nearly as rigorously as they do with our food or pharmaceuticals; therefore, customers have to be extremely careful of what they buy. Many companies get away with using all kinds of harmful chemical ingredients, many of which aren’t used or are outright banned in other countries.
Use the following list of the biggest problems with sunscreens to keep yourself and your family healthy and properly protected against the sun. Also, try to use natural sunscreens for the body instead of the chemical laden ones for a better solution.
Free Radical Formation
A recent study conducted by experts of free radical biology showed troubling signs that sunscreens that include Oxybenzone as an active ingredient react to the sun in a damaging manner when absorbed into the skin. The study suggests that sunscreens with oxybenzone potentially lead to free radical damage of the skin under the right circumstances. According to experts, this kind of damage is the most frequent cause of skin cancer currently known.
This harmful chemical also disrupts normal hormone function, and not only does it absorb into the skin, it actually enters the user’s bloodstream. Oxybenzone only blocks UVB rays, but UVA rays are known to cause the most free radical formation among the different types of ultraviolet light. Avoid this nasty chemical at all costs, and keep sunscreens that include it away from your kids.
Not Getting Enough Sun
A sunscreen with an SPF of just 15 will block your body’s ability to turn sunlight into Vitamin D by 99%. In order to avoid health problems and diseases that are linked to deficiencies of Vitamin D, you need some sunshine. Getting the right amount of Vitamin D in your system is also an effective way to stop food cravings. When your Vitamin D levels are low, the hormone that controls your appetite stops working. When this happens, you can eat and eat without ever feeling full, which can be a significant health problem.
Vitamin D also boosts your serotonin levels, which directly influences your happiness and avoids depression. Getting as little as 10 minutes of sunlight a few times a week should be enough to avoid any deficiencies, so don’t forget to get some sun from time to time.
User Error
Some users think simply covering up with sunscreen is the only form of protection they need. It’s always important to remember that this is just one way to protect your skin. Even using natural sunscreens for the body won’t keep you protected without keeping the other factors in mind. Not only does the typical user not use enough sunscreen, they also forgo other essential steps in protecting themselves.
Staying out of the sun when you can, and avoiding the hottest part of the day, is very important. Wearing a hat to reflect the sunlight and covering up with loose-fitting clothing is also crucial for keeping yourself protected all year ’round.
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Dana is a proud vegan, and likes to spend her time writing about natural remedies for the body.
Harold Smith says
I’m not really sure what this article is getting at. Are you saying that people should only ever use higher SPF sunscreen, or that all sunscreen is bad because it blocks vitamin D? I’m not sure I understand…