Rehab facilities are not the kind of place that you would want to live in for the rest of your life, maybe apart from when you work there or when it is on an island. However many people want to snap out of addiction but they want it done in two-three days which does actually make no sense. It will be almost impossible to finish off something that has been there for a couple of years in a couple of hours. People should not really rush this and depending on your condition then the specialists will tell how much time you need to spend in the facility so as to be whole again. This is not just some guessed up figure but rather it is a well-calculated value. Here is why you shouldnโt leave rehab in a rush.
- Relapse
Now relapse becomes more real than ever to people who leave rehab early than it is to those that take the whole course at it is. Just as it is when under medication, the fact that you feel your flu is going down does not mean that the medication is now useless. This is the mistake that many people. It will actually be very demotivating for even the medical experts to keep an eye on you after you put so much pressure on them to leave. Actually, I fail to understand the reason as to why one would jeopardize their future simply they were added another week at the facility.
- Healing is yet to end.
The process of healing requires a unique combo of professionalism and patience. Professionalism alone will not get you there. Patience on the other hand will. The high success stories at Ambrosia did not come simply due to its magnificent structure and its strategic location at the island. It actually came through the combo of the qualified staff, therapy sessions, one on one treatment and patience. If this lacks in any treatment then it is only fair to say that the treatment was a failure.
- There’s more to learn
Now I understand that a rehab is not a school as per say but as a matter of fact, it is. This place has so much that people can learn from before leaving. While you are about to leave the facility it is good to evaluate and see how different you are from the way you were when you first arrived there. Has it really helped you or has it just been a waste of your time. Did you get the mental nourishment that you were looking for? Did you get emotional closure? How good are now with dealing with situations? How different will you handle your marriage issues? All these questions should be answered and get a positive answer. Without this, it is only fair to say that you rushed and did not get the best from your stay there. I am a strong believer in that you should get the best out of everything.
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