When it comes to having surgery, or even considering it, there are a lot of myths and speculations floating around. Sometimes, inaccurate information is formed because of hear-say and this is passed onto people who may be considering surgery. Unfortunately, there’s a chance this misinformation may end up deterring someone from perfectly safe surgery that they desperately want or require.
One of the most common surgeries where incorrect information is passed on is liposuction. Many people jump to the conclusion that liposuction is simply ‘just for obese people’ – incorrect.
Liposuction is a necessary surgery for many reasons and isn’t directly aimed at those who are overweight (although, this is a common reason).
Below, we’re going to look at some of the common myths surrounding liposuction and bust them!
- Liposuction is only for people who are overweight
Liposuction is a medical word for fat removal, but it’s not a treatment directly used for weight loss or to treat obesity. You might be surprised to know that good candidates for liposuction should actually be within 30% of their ideal body weight.
Liposuction is actually used to remove fat deposits that haven’t responded to continuous exercise and a clean diet. The cause of this is usually down to genetics as opposed to a person’s lifestyle. Of course, to see the full benefits of liposuction, you’ll want to maintain a healthy diet, stay active, stay fit and stay away from smoking!
- Liposuction gets rid of cellulite
This is another common myth, because while liposuction does help transform people’s bodies to suit a desired physicality, it’s not the best procedure to rid cellulite. The name cellulite is given to dimpling of the skin commonly on the but, thighs or hips. Cellulite is caused by vertical bands of connected tissue that connect the superficial skin to deeper structures. If you imagine a chesterfield sofa and the buttons on the sofa pulling the tissue down, it’s similar to that.
While liposuction can remove fat from beneath areas of cellulite, it’s not the preferred treatment for it. In fact, there’s a chance you can make the contour regularity worse.
- Liposuction breaks up fat deposits
Liposuction works by breaking up fat deposits in targeted areas. It’s done by making small incisions in the skin, injecting a saltwater-based numbing solution alongside a medication to control bleeding before the fat removal process begins.
The process ultimately helps prevent excessive blood loss, swelling and bruising. Your doctor then inserts a hollow tube (a cannula) through the marked incisions and uses this to break up those fat deposits. The fat that’s broken up is then extracted using a small surgical vacuum (or syringe).
- Liposuction is only required once
Liposuction isn’t going to stop fat coming back forever. If you gain weight after having a liposuction procedure, you will still be able to produce fat across your body, because liposuction focuses on removing fat cells from targeted trouble areas. Such areas include:
- Hips
- Thighs
- Tummy
- Under-arms
Once you’ve had liposuction, you will find it difficult to put on fat in the areas that have been targeted. So, maintaining a healthy weight, diet, and conforming to a good exercise will undoubtedly help you maintain your liposuction results.
- Results are immediate
Before-and-after photos may show remarkable results, but these results are not immediate. Don’t panic, however! The effects are immediately apparent in the operating theatre, but only to your surgeon. This is because they’re able to witness what your new look will be before the bruising and swelling begins.
During your recovery period, you’ll have to wear a compression garment which encourages the cylindrical tunnels (made by the liposuction technique) to flatten. It’s only at this point you’ll be able to witness and appreciate the final and long-term results.
If you’re considering liposuction surgery, be sure you do adequate research and speak to a trusted surgeon about what options would best suit your needs. Hopefully this article has shed some light on the myths you commonly hear and answered some of your burning questions!
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