An alcohol or drug addiction can take a toll on your body, mind and spirit. It can leave you overweight, slim, or generally physically unfit.
Besides, most people are vouching on the idea that exercises and keeping fit can help someone who is recovering from addiction to remain sober. Keeping fit is helping to reduce the chances of relapse, heals the body, increases energy and improves mood.
If you are wondering how to deal with alcohol addiction, consider getting help here
Here are tips to keeping fit after dealing with an addiction.
- Start right away
Are you through with the rehab and you have been declared sober? Then don’t wait any longer. Start keeping fit right away.
Other than providing a distraction, exercise has been found to boost brain chemicals such as serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline, the same chemicals associated with drug addiction.
Also, studies have shown that exercising helps in neuroplasticity, where the nervous system heals itself. The process helps to heal the memory pathways that had been damaged by substance abuse.
Therefore, the sooner you start keeping fit, the earlier you will start to reap the benefits, and the more you are likely to succeed in your sobriety journey.
- Take it one step at a time
Chances are that after dealing with an addiction, one is obese or has not exercised in a while. Don’t start your keeping fit with strenuous exercises or registering for a marathon. Start small by going to the gym, cycling, taking short runs, practicing yoga and taking part in hiking events.
After your body gets used to the exercises, now you can register for that marathon, become a triathlete or become a professional bodybuilder.
Some of those recovering from addiction have found solace in athletics and become professionals.
- Join a community
One thing that someone recovering from addiction needs is support, not only from relatives and friends but also from the community and the people you interact with.
Keeping fit helps you to interact with other people who are also interested in healthy living, especially if you are taking part in group activities such as hiking or yoga. It will keep you away from associating with your old friends who are likely to be addicts and who are likely to make you relapse.
Make sure you join a group keen on keeping fit. Don’t go solo. You will need encouragement.
- Set goals
When you set goals, you don’t do things aimlessly. Set your keeping fit goals. Do you want to lose so much weight? Do you want to run for so many miles? Do you want to eventually climb Mt. Everest?
When you set goals, you won’t just be going to the gym or running for the sake of it. There is something to motivate you to push harder and to continue exercising. Who knows, you could become one of those people who ended up in competitive athletics.
- Eat right
Most people who suffer from addiction neglect their diet. If you are among them then you need to start eating right. Take fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meat and drink lots of water. Avoid junk food, unhealthy fats, and sugar.
Your body needs healthy foods and nutrients if you are to achieve your keeping fit goals. You won’t achieve them if you are malnourished or if you are feeding on junk.
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