There really is a lot of misinformation out there when it comes to “being nice”.
Historically, being nice in Middle English and Latin terms simply means “ignorant” or “stupid“.
In the real sense, being nice seems like always having to go along with or fit in, with no argument or confrontation.
However, you should know that being nice doesn’t mean being vulnerable. It also doesn’t mean giving up or fitting in, just to let the other person “win” depending on the situation.
According to James Doty, M.D., director of the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education at Stanford University, “Kindness is the active form of compassion,” “Instead of simply wanting to try to alleviate someone’s suffering, you’re actually doing something.”
Being nice has numerous health benefits and you can actually create world peace by being nice, kind, and polite. Imagine the world where all the effort exerted in competition with each other is transformed into a cooperative effort to improve humanity and advance civilization.
This article highlights 6 mental health benefits of being nice to everyone.
Showing appreciation and kindness to people on a daily basis could bring some joy and happiness into their lives. I mean, most people may never know what is actually going on in the lives of each individual they come across daily. By just being nice, you would possibly make their day to be given a smile and a kind word. A smiling face helps reduce wrinkles and prevent aging and such is beneficial to our well-being.
- Good Leader
A nice person is a characterization of a good leader. It generally costs nothing to show kindness and be nice to everyone. As a result of being nice, you can make the world a more pleasant place and many people will learn how beneficial kindness is to humanity.
More Friends
Being nice to everyone attracts a lot of people to oneself. Everyone would like to have a gentle, kind, polite, person as his/her friend. This can really help win over people who you might otherwise have a potentially tricky relationship with like family members such as your mother in law or sister in law. The more friends you have, the less you will feel depressed as you will always find someone to share your thoughts with.
Being nice to others causes people to want to appreciate or return the favor to you. This makes you feel better about yourself to being surrounded by love and happiness. Who doesn’t like being loved?
Weight Loss
Your weight loss program can be hindered when you bear the burdens of others. When the burdens of others are weighed on one’s shoulder, it may trigger overeating.
Fewer Negative Emotions
Showing kindness makes you think less about getting hurt because you feel safe with everyone. This is how optimists think; their open heart towards others makes them feel more loved and less prone to negative emotions.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Being nice to people is indeed a good thing, but it is advisable to protect yourself. Be nice but don’t go all out for someone unless you’re sure of how they will respond to your niceness.
Don’t be afraid to let go if you think you are being taken for granted. You may not be respected and appreciated as expected for every show of kindness, yet you should understand that there is a reward for bestowing it.
These are just some of the ways that being “actively nice” can really contribute to your own positive mental health.
Any scenario which involves you making other people feel good about themselves in a way that also benefits you has to be a considered a major win-win.
Don’t you think?
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