Whether you are planning to grow your family, or simply looking to protect your future by avoiding serious health problems, genetic testing is an exciting new innovation in medicine that has allowed many individuals to not only predict, but also prevent, serious diseases that exist in their DNA. Genetic testing has many benefits, and one of the most common forms of testing, genetic testing for cancer, can even help you to detect some of these common forms of cancer early-on:
- Bladder
- Breast
- Colorectal
- Gastric
- Lung
- Prostate
- Skin
Whether you are looking for peace-of-mind, answers to family health questions, or quick and accurate means of preparing for future health concerns, these 7 benefits to genetic testing are just a few of the many reasons so many people have turned to DNA testing – learn more at the Genetic Testing Laboratories website.
1. More Reliable Information
DNA is the genetic information that makes-up each individual’s physical traits. This strand of genetic information is unique to each individual. With the technology available due to today’s scientific advancements, the average person can now turn to DNA testing to learn more about their health, their family background, and the way their DNA might work with another’s when starting a family. DNA testing is thought to be one of the most reliable testing methods available because it takes an actual picture of your DNA and allows scientists to visually detect signs of future cases of cancer or disease.
2. A Sense of Certainty
DNA testing and genetic testing for cancer can help you and your family to confirm what you might already suspect to be hereditary. If your ancestors and relatives have had a repeating history of cancer, you may wonder yourself if cancer is a disease you will have to face in the future. Taking the genetic test to see if your DNA contains the codons for cancerous diseases can help you gain a sense of certainty around your future regarding cancers that are hereditary in your family line.
3. Family Planning
Family planning often goes one step further today than it has in the past. Aside from making the decision of when to have children, and how many you are going to have, many parents not take additional measures to help them to determine what kinds of diseases or disorders they are at risk for passing on to their future posterity. Genetic testing can help parents to make a more informed decision when having children, and help them prepare for the challenges that may be ahead.
4. Early Prevention
When signs in your genetic tests show high risks for particular diseases or medical conditions, doctors can help you to get your health in order to not only treat, but often times, prevent these medical conditions from becoming prevalent in your life. DNA testing now allows the prevention of many serious medical conditions before symptoms even appear.
5. Treat Diseases in the Early Stages
One of the great benefits of today’s advanced methods of genetic testing is the abilities scientists and doctors have to detect diseases in their earliest stages. By finding these diseases early, doctors may be able to start treatment and prevent unnecessary death or disability that these illnesses often lead to when un-treated. Along with detecting things like cancer, DNA testing can help you to detect if you do not have cancer, and help you avoid further testing and unnecessary medical screening in the future.
6. Becoming More Affordable
By relying on modern technology, genetic testing cuts out a lot of the man-labor involved in other medical testing. By cutting out the middle-man completely, labor costs go down and the savings can be passed on to the individual waiting for results. Avoiding human error and transferring data directly into digital form allows for more affordable and readily available test results.
7. Readily Available
The most accurate snap-shot of your health, a picture of your DNA, can now be taken and put into digital form for fast results and easy to see and read images. Many genetic testing labs have the ability to get test results back to individuals as fast as 3-5 days. This may be an even shorter wait time than getting test results of a similar nature from a hospital or doctor’s office. Genetic testing for cancer and other serious diseases has helped many individuals to not only find a peace of mind, but to take action regarding their health and the health of their family members.
Presented by gtlDNA
This is really something that families need to talk about. Cancer and other illnesses run in families and many may not know it. I have actually considered being tested so I know. A lot of people are scared to know but they need to get tested in case they have cancer. It is best to catch it early so it can be treated.
My family has been through quite the list of cancer problems, very unfortunate. This article was a very interesting read.