Pinhole glasses are essentially eyeglasses with pinhole-sized perforations filling the opaque sheet made of plastic. They function very similar to pinhole cameras as every perforation allows for a narrow beam of light to enter the eye. The effect is increased depth of field and reduced circle of confusion. Unlike prescription glasses, using pinhole glasses will produce an image without the pincushion effect that is visible around the edges. The pincushion effect makes straight lines appear like they are curved. Here are seven benefits of using pinhole glasses.
– Using pinhole glasses helps patients see near and far objects without the need of using prescription glasses. Additionally, using pinholes produces sharper image on the retina.
– Pinhole glasses eliminate stress and strain, two effects causes by wearing normal prescription glasses. There is no prescription needed, and patients can see far and near objects with the same pair. Since there is no stress and no strain, there is no risk for myopia and presbyopia. Using normal prescription glasses contributes to increase of shortsightedness and longsightedness.
– Using pinholes reduces your dependence on normal prescription glasses. Additionally, using pinholes can help you relearn how to see naturally without the use of glasses.
– Pinholes improve vision, and help prevent eyesight deterioration. People older than 40 years start feeling and noticing changes in their vision. It starts with difficulty reading. Pinholes help prevent this condition.
– Pinhole glasses activate the patient’s natural vision ability and train the patient’s eyes and mind. The result is better natural vision as the patient’s eyes and mind work in better coordination. Using pinholes also strengthens the muscles and the nerves in the brain. The result is better vision system and ability to see naturally without the use of glasses.
– Pinhole glasses promote good vision habits. Most of the habits are taught by the Bates Method, a method used by American physician Williams Bates. He believed prescription glasses were harmful and an alternative therapy was needed in order to improve eye sight.
– The pinholes have a track of more than 100 years of successful therapy. They improve eyesight by using natural approach.
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