A cup is never enough
Coffee is one of those beverages few people live without. It is known both as a stimulating drink and as an all-around comfort beverage, catering to people who need to stay up and to relieve themselves of stress. With all the stories behind this popular beverage, most aren’t aware of the great benefits a small cup of Joe possesses.
In this article, we cover the 7 of the best reasons why drinking coffee is really, really good for your body!
Coffee improves brain power
Caffeine is the most popular psychoactive drug in the world and it’s all thanks to the amount of coffee people all over the world drink every day. Besides helping people to get that boost in the morning or late at night, caffeine can actually help improve our brain’s functions.
It does this by blocking Adenosine, an inhibitory neurotransmitter which enables the amount noripinephrine and dopamine to significantly increase. This process would then lead do faster neuron performance in the brain, making us think better and faster.
Protects your heart
Everyone knows coffee can elevate blood pressure. But what people aren’t aware of is how this is temporary and may even be neutralized if you are a regular drinker.
If you regularly drink coffee, you’re actually doing your heart a favor. A Japanese study shows how regular consumption of coffee in men, about two cups a day, significantly decreased their risk of having cardiovascular diseases by as much as 38%. That’s certainly one less disease to worry about for the rest of your life.
Reduces risk of developing Type 2 diabetes
Believe it or not, coffee can help prevent one of the most common diseases in the world. A study has shown promising results on how regular coffee drinkers have up to 50% reduction of acquiring diabetes. Another study even declares each daily cup of coffee can mean a 7% risk reduction.
Contains boatloads of antioxidants
It’s no secret that coffee has a lot of antioxidants. In fact, Americans mostly get their antioxidants from coffee than any other food item combined.
Coffee makes you happy
Coffee can instantly reduce that feeling of loneliness and it’s not just because it tastes or smells good. A study has found how regular coffee drinkers suffer less from depression than those who don’t. The researchers surmised how this is all due to the amazing amount of antioxidants coffee has.
Prevents Alzheimer’s and dementia
Drinking coffee has been proven to actually lower the risk of acquiring Alzheimer‘s by up to 65%! This is good news as Alzheimer’s is one of the most common causes of dementia worldwide and has no known cure.
Coffee burns fat and gives you strength
A little known fact about coffee is how it can stimulate your nervous system to burn fat in your body by boosting metabolism. This in itself is good news for those who want to improve their diet to lose weight. In fact, black coffee in particular has almost 0 calories. You can try to boost this artificially with some diet pills for weight loss but why spend so much money when you can have a cup of coffee instead?
Caffeine also increases adrenaline levels in the blood. This would then translate into drastic improvement in physical performance. How drastic? Up to 12% drastic. This makes coffee an excellent pre-workout drink. You can just imagine the reason why all sports drinks have caffeine in them and now you know it’s not just about waking you up.
In the world of health and fitness, coffee has become much more than a simple perk-me-up. Coffee has displayed amazing health benefits, most of which have eluded most regular drinkers for years. Coffee can definitely make you a stronger and healthier person but don’t get too high on the stuff. A moderate approach to everything is best and if you feel you want more knowledge on coffee, then taking barista courses.
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