The HCG diet is enjoying a lot of attention at the moment. There are actually hundreds of thousands of people from all around the world that are considering it and more that actually tried it. Since many of those that tried it noticed substantial weight loss, it is something that you may also consider.
This diet is basically based on an intake of 500 calories daily. According to, the addition of 125 iu of hCG is necessary and in some cases the first 2 days are loading days, which means that these are those that are the most important. The hormone is administered through injections or oral drops.
When you first start the diet, you have to refrain from absolutely all starches and sugars. Food intake will be will be gradually increased after the first 5 days so that a level is reached at which the new desired weight can be maintained.
Besides what you have to include in your diet, you should drink a minimum of ten water glasses every single day. Alternatives like tea or coffee are allowed and recommended for diversity purposes. You can eat fruit at intervals of 6 hours. No matter what you do, make sure that you always respect the diet indications or results will not be gained.
The intake of hCG can go on for a maximum of 23 days. High fat foods are only included in the first 2 days, the loading days that allow your body to get used to the new intake. After the third hCG dosage is taken, we can say that the diet actually starts.
Occasionally, it is possible to reach a plateau level when 2 days will pass and no weight is loss. That is completely normal. In the event that this happens, HCG diet advocates recommend increasing the quantity of water that is drank and alternatively, eat 6 apples during the following day and reduce water intake.
Make sure that you look at the condiments that you use. Most people do not know this but most of them do include sugar, which does seem illogical but appears in order to basically add more flavor. Do not mix your vegetables and try to never drink liquids until you reach dinner.
As you can see, this is a diet that is a little difficult to fully understand. One problem that was mentioned in the past is that many do not actually respect it properly. As with every single diet out there, you should be sure that you respect it.
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