According to AAFP or the American Academy of Family Physicians, weight is becoming a major problem in this country and around the world.
Obesity is not only hard to fight, but it could lead to various health issues, such as heart problems or high cholesterol, just to name a few things.
It is easy to see why many people are attempting to find a way to lose weight. The dangers linked to obesity, which are many according to CDC, can make some people turn to methods like a tummy tuck, and that is not a good idea. This surgical procedure shouldn’t be mistaken for weight-loss treatment.
Why do Many Turn to Tummy Tuck Treatments?
Losing weight is not easy. It requires a strong will, exercise, a lifestyle change, and sticking to a particular diet. All of these things are not easy for several reasons, like the following:
- Some people simply do not have the time to exercise or cook their own meals.
- Many people lack knowledge regarding healthier foods.
- Breaking habits is not easy; sometimes, these habits are embedded in the mind so much that a person cannot simply switch them off.
- A few of the people dealing with obesity are addicted to food, and that is hard to overcome.
- Individuals suffering from obesity may lack support.
These are just some things that could make losing weight a little more difficult for a person, but there are many more. These obstacles could make it hard for a person to stick to a plan to lose weight, no matter how strong a person’s resolve is.
In frustration, some people turn to solutions like a tummy tuck procedure.
Why Shouldn’t People Look at a Tummy Tuck as a Weight-Loss Treatment?
The reality is a tummy tuck is a surgical procedure, and that means the body undergoes trauma during the treatment. Granted, a good and experienced tummy tuck expert will definitely expedite the procedure and ensure everything goes well, but that does not mean this kind of procedure is right for a person who is having trouble losing weight.
According to Pramit Malhotra, Michigan’s leading plastic surgeon, tummy tuck surgery may be an option for women and men who have tried dieting and exercise but still cannot get rid of the fat around the abdomen. The reason people having trouble changing their lifestyle or sticking to their diets should not resort to a surgical procedure like this is because the procedure won’t cure this person of the weight control issue he or she is dealing with.
A person could have this surgical procedure and still end up being overweight later on because he or she failed to address the real problem, which is still inside of them. This issue could be food addiction, an underlying health issue, lack of nutritional knowledge, or any of the things listed earlier.
Once the weight comes back, this person might be tempted to get the surgical procedure again, and that is where things can get a little dicey. It is wise to not put the body through trauma, like surgeries if it is not necessary. This is the reason a tummy tuck cannot be used as a weight-loss treatment. People who have not addressed their specific issues can end up using a tummy tuck as a crutch, and that is not a good thing.
What Can a Person Do Instead?
There are some things a person having trouble sticking to diets and keeping weight off can do; for example, you could work with a dietitian to help keep you on track. A study shows that lifestyle changes can produce positive outcomes.
The following are additional things to consider:
Join a Group
If you are attempting to lose weight and eat better, you should consider joining a group of people doing the same. This community could be found locally but could also be found online or by using apps.
Talking and finding support from people dealing with something similar to you can be invaluable at this time. Accountability is a powerful tool that you can use to motivate yourself to stick to your diet or exercise routine. Keep in mind that this is just one of many things you can try to stay on the right path.
Everyone has a vice or two. A person who tends to overeat will probably have a few vices, and it is important to recognize that. What you can do is eliminate those vices and simply not purchase them.
Having them in the house is a big temptation and will likely work against your goals. Those who have trouble resisting temptation when grocery shopping may want to consider having someone else shop so that it’s easier to stick to the food you are supposed to eat.
Thoughtful Approach
Another thing people should consider is talking to a mental health professional. Sometimes, bad eating habits could be linked to other underlying issues that you might have never addressed.
These issues can sometimes lead to bad eating habits or even food addiction. You must find a way to solve this problem, or you might find it nearly impossible to reach your goals. The mind is pretty powerful and could be working with you or against you.
Extra Hobbies
Some people eat too much simply because they have nothing else to do.
It may be a good idea to consider taking up a few hobbies. It will be hard for a person to continue his or her eating habits if this person begins a distracting hobby. Make sure the hobby chosen takes you away from your vices, such as hiking or camping.
Work on Being Humble
As mentioned above, some people are dealing with food addiction, which a study shows. These people sometimes have trouble admitting they need help or that they are not in control. You must work on this part if you have this problem.
Not being able to admit the need for help could hurt a person suffering from food addiction because they simply won’t face the issue. If you know you have an unhealthy relationship with food, you need to be open about it and willing to do the work to overcome the issue.
These are just some things to keep in mind when considering a tummy tuck. If you are not the right candidate for the procedure, it is best to get the help you need. When you get your weight under control, you may be ready for a tummy tuck if you and your specialist believe it is the right option.
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