ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a condition which affects children up to adulthood. This mental illness is the most commonly diagnosed disorder of children wherein they may be hyperactive and is unable to control their impulses, or may have trouble in paying attention which interferes with home and school life.
This mental disorder is usually discovered during an individual’s early school years, a phase where a child begins to have problems paying attention. With this said, adults with ADHD may have management troubles, like unable to organize, set goals, and to hold down a job. This can also create issues with the relationship, self-esteem, and possible addiction.
In this regard, medication and treatment should be discussed to the individual that has this condition. Thus, we will be talking one of ADHD’s medicine, Procentra — which is available on local pharmacies that also have procentra discount coupon — to provide you the information that you need on the drug.
Symptoms of ADHD
The signs in children are of the following:
- Â Â Â Unable to focus
-    Doesn’t follow directions
-    Doesn’t listen
-    Doesn’t pay attention
- Â Â Â Has problems in organizing daily tasks
-    Doesn’t like to sit still
Symptoms in Adults
Symptoms of ADHD in adults may changes as a person gets older. This includes
- Â Â Â Chronic forgetfulness and lateness
- Â Â Â Anxiety
- Â Â Â Low self-esteem
- Â Â Â Problems at work
- Â Â Â Impulsiveness
- Â Â Â Unorganized
- Â Â Â Substance abuse
- Â Â Â Trouble of concentration
- Â Â Â Depression
Procentra Uses
Procentra is used as a medication for the treatment of patients with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. This drug works by changing the amount of certain natural chemical substance in one’s brain.
The dextroamphetamine belongs to a class of drugs, which is commonly known as stimulants. This type of drug help in increasing an individual’s focus which helps in paying attention and staying on track on an activity, and control behavior problems. The drug can also help to improve the person’s ability to organize tasks and listening skills.
Additionally, this medication is used to treat another disorder, Narcolepsy, which is a sleeping disorder. This drug helps the patient to stay awake during the day. However, it should not be used to treat any fatigue or to hold off sleep in people who do not have the said sleeping disorder.
Procentra’s Side-effects
Just like any other prescribed drugs as part of a treatment for a condition, Procentra has its own fair share of side-effects too. Upset stomach, nausea, cramps, loss of appetite, diarrhea, headache, dry mouth, nervousness, dizziness, sweating, weight loss, irritability, restlessness, and insomnia might occur. Â
These are symptoms of side effects, and it is natural. However, if it persists, then you should take it to your doctor’s attention.
On the other hand, there might be some severe side effects that procentra might trigger. This includes blood flow problem signs like numbness, coldness, and pain, unusual wounds, mental or mood behavior changes like thoughts of suicide, uncontrolled movements, muscle twitching, outbursts of words, extreme tiredness, and changes in sexual ability.
This medication may also raise your blood pressure. As such, it is highly recommended that you should check your blood pressure regularly and tell your doctor if the results of your blood pressure check are high.
If you are worried by the information stated above, then just remember that your doctor has chosen to prescribe you with this medication since he or she has judged that the benefit that you may gain from taking this medication is greater than the risk of its side effects. More importantly, there is no sufficient report on individuals suffering its serious side effects.
However, do get medical help immediately if you feel any very serious side effects like shortness of breath, any parts of the body pain, severe headache, fainting, irregular heartbeat, seizures, weakness on one side of the body, slurred speech, and blurred vision.
Precautions in taking this drug will be telling your doctor beforehand if you are allergic to this medication or any other sympathomimetic medicines like amphetamine or lisdexamfetamine, or basically any other allergies. Since this drug may contain inactive ingredients that can cause allergic reactions or other problems, it is better to address these issues beforehand, so that your doctor would know what to prescribe you.
Also, it is best that you would tell your doctor or pharmacist your medical history before using this medication especially if you have blood circulation problems like Raynaud’s disease and certain mental or mood conditions like severe agitation and psychosis, or any personal or family history of any health conditions.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a mental disorder that needs to be given attention by health professionals and also with the help of the patient’s caretakers. In this sense, one can say that it is essential to know well what are the things that would help in treating ADHD. Thus, the information stated above would surely help you out in taking good care of your loved ones or yourself in terms of medication knowledge.
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