Anxiety is an unpleasant state of mind that causes nervousness, fear, insomnia and apprehension. In simple terms anxiety can be described as the bitter feeling of fear and dread over something that is probably unlikely to happen. Our body is designed to get anxious as a response for danger. So anxiety is considered as a normal state of a person until it becomes overwhelming and starts interfering with daily activities. When a person becomes overly anxious and nervous that it affects his normal functioning, then he is said to have anxiety disorder. This covers several psychiatric disorders like excess fear, worrying, stress and sleeplessness.
Symptoms of Anxiety Disorder
The symptoms of anxiety disorder vary from one person to another. Although the basic symptoms that can be found in a person suffering from anxiety disorder are one of all of the following:
- Restlessness and irritability
- Nervousness and feeling jumpy
- Inability to concentrate
- Constant worrying and stress
- Seating and shivering
- Constant urination and diarrhea
- Muscle tension, headache, nausea and dizziness
- Fatigue, sleeplessness and nightmares
There are several types of anxiety disorders:
Generalized anxiety Disorder: This disorder is generally found in millions of people around the world. It causes constant restlessness, irritation, distress and increased tension.
Panic disorder: People with panic disorder experience sudden terror and fear without warning and they might even feel like the world is ending. Excess sweating, increased heart beat, choking, breathing difficulty can be experienced due to this disorder.
Social Anxiety disorder: This disorder is also called social phobia where the person is increasingly tensed about social interactions and public speeches. They experience self consciousness, hopelessness, stuttering and excess sweating.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder: People who are plagued by obsessive thoughts that lead them to do a certain ritual over and over again are said to have OCD. People with fear of germs constantly wash their hands or they have an obsessive doubt if they have locked their door and many other symptoms.
Specific Phobia: People with phobias for heights, water, animals experience this disorder as they fear being in a situation where they might face these things. Even if the situation or object is not harmful, this disorder will cause them to worry excessively.
Post-traumatic stress disorder: This disorder is developed following a traumatic situation or event like death of someone, accidents etc.
Treatment and Cure for Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety disorders are often easily curable with professional help from certified psychologists or psychiatrists. Mental health professionals usually treat anxiety disorders with behaviour therapy and medication. The behaviour therapy involves training the patient to relax and breathe properly while exposing them to anxious situations. The patient is often asked to confront their fears in a safe environment to help them get over their fears and phobias. Diet and exercise also plays an important role in treating anxiety disorder.
A regular walk or jog in a clean environment that enables the patient to let go and breathe freely will help them get over anxiety. Proper diet that meets all the nutritious needs of the body also helps the patient get over his weakness and fear. However it is best to consult a professional to treat anxiety disorder quickly and effectively.
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