The adage “you are what you eat” goes a long way for everyone. Exam period is a strenuous time for everyone ranging from students, parents and teachers.
The wrong diet and food choices makes you feel lazy and lackadaisical. There includes a high intake of junk food and energy drinks. Although they are conveniently available, they do not add any impact to the cognitive function of your brain.
These are the types of foods which one moment they got your energy levels soaring to the top of the roof. On the other hand, the next minute it’s at its lowest point. This can end up ruining your study session especially if you have an important test. While you can turn in to assignment help, and go for websites like to help you out, you need to look at the long term.
The Top Reasons You Need a Healthy Diet
A healthy diet can sustain anyone as they study to help them concentrate. Good study habits can result in the much-needed success. Therefore if you follow certain particular patterns, then you can unlock your greatest academic potential.
Here is an overview of the best diet to eat during studying.
Eat More Meals and Forego Snacks
Experts recommend that you emphasize eating more meals rather than snacks. This is because meals have high levels of energy which can boost your concentration.
The body mostly gets its dose of energy from carbohydrates. They release glucose in our bloodstream. Glucose is like fuel. It is the one who helps our body and brains to function conveniently.
There are particular foods which release glucose faster than others. The rate of how foods release glucose is measured through an index knows as Glycemic Index(GI).
According to studies, glucose has the highest GI at 100 while other foods are benchmarked against it. Foods that we should eat during studying should have low levels of GI. They include foods like:
- wholegrain sandwiches,
- oats,
- yoghurt with seed nuts,
- soups, salads,
- peanuts,
- chicken
These foods are known to add fibre and vitamins to your diet.
Avoid snacks because they have high levels of GI. This because they will boost your energy levels quite fast and the same way they will fall. It will result in fatigue, drowsiness and lack of focus. They include pizza, burger, white bread, cake, potato chips and ice cream.
Eat Smaller and More Frequent Meals
Eating steady small meals provide a steady supply of energy. The best way to avoid binge eating is to refuel after every 3-4 hours.
Stocking up the fridge with foods that have a balanced diet should be a priority. A nutritious snack should have both carbohydrates and proteins. It should help you stabilize your blood sugar level. Therefore you will be energized.
Never Miss Breakfast
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. This adage has been passed from one generation to the next. Skipping breakfast can lead to increased risk of heart disease and high blood pressure.
On a busy morning, it can be tempting to skip breakfast. It is good to grab something, and I insist it should be large. Breakfast does not feature in the list of small frequent meals.
A heavy breakfast should entail whole grains, cereal, milk, English muffins, instant oatmeal and a high fibre cereal bar.
High Proteins
Amino acids are derived from foods which are rich in high proteins. The amino acids make up the neurotransmitters of the brain. Neurotransmitters are chemicals in the brain which incite the brain. They affect the chemistry of the brain and our moods.
Food which is rich in proteins includes:- cheese meat and eggs. If you have a sweet tooth, then you can whip up a high protein smoothie or eat a nutrition protein bar.
The amino acids help in the formation of Norepinephrine and Serotonin is needed to for alertness and concentration. While on the other hand Serotonin improves learning and is essential for good sleep patterns.
Oily Fish
Oily fish such as sardines, mackerel and salmon are among the healthiest types of fish. They contain omega 3- fatty which is essential for brain development.
If you eat food which is rich in omega, it reduces the effects of brain ageing. This ensures that the brain functions properly throughout.
Studies show that people who eat more oily fish have higher levels of decision making. Moreover, the brain part of the fish contains grey matter. It contains nerves which are essential for decision making and improving memory.
The simplest meal for a student with fish oils maybe sardines on toast. It contains healthy carbohydrates, vitamins and proteins.
Fresh Fruit
Fresh fruits contain sugars which are more convenient than dark chocolate. One medium orange contains all the vitamin C you need in a day.
Fruit such as blueberries is darker in colour meaning that they have high levels of antioxidants. They contain anthocyanins, a group of plant compounds with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. They help improve brain concentration and improve short memory loss.
Water! Water! Water!
Scientists recommend every individual to drink at least 8/1500 ml cups of water daily. Thirstiness makes one irritable, and they lose concentration. Dehydration further makes an individual sluggish and light headed.
While studying, you can go for coconut milk, buttermilk and some special teas can help increase the level of nutrition intake. Moreover, they provide a sense of calmness and relaxation.
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