Blood can be regarded as the main connective tissue in our human body which is found in a fluid state. It is made up from plasma which is a highly viscous liquid as well as other types of blood cells which are afloat around it.
There are a lot of proteins, nutrients and hormones in the blood and thrombocyte levels should be regarded as the main components of the blood. Blood performs various functions which enable us to lead a healthy life and without them we would not be possible to stay alive.
Blood is the most vital part of our body when it comes to transporting nutrients which are of high importance to and from cells in order to take the oxygen processed by the lungs to other cells in our bodies as well as collecting the harmful carbon dioxide which we further on exhale through our lungs.
It also has a duty of collecting metabolic waste from our bodies and further on transporting it to our kidneys in order for them to get rid of it. Blood will also deliver good nutrients and glucose to other part of the body as they were processed and decomposed in our digestive system.
Important Protection Mechanism
Blood is the first defense mechanism of our bodies when it comes to fending off infections and disease which cause bacteria. White blood cells are responsible for building a wall around our organs by producing antibodies and proteins which serve the sole purpose of fighting and killing germs which would otherwise spread to the rest of our bodies in order to cause damage to our body cells. Platelets in our blood serve the purpose of limiting blood loss when one has suffered a cut.
Regulation of Our Bodily Functions
The blood is the best regulator within our bodies in a lot of ways such as overseeing the temperature in our bodies in order to maintain it at a constant level which is tolerated by our bodies with extreme ease. Blood also has the role of controlling the hydrogen levels in our bodies as it balances the pH. The administration of water and salt is also under blood regulation as it dictates whether or not we are thirsty or need salt in order for our bodies to function properly. It also has the duty of regulating blood pressure and restricts it from going overboard.
Platelets play a crucial role in our blood as they are the smallest components of it and have the main duty of forming blood clots in area where bleeding is encountered. In case of an injury they quickly stick together to form a clot which would stop the bleeding and will make it easier for us to heal from a cut.
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