No amount of preparation can prepare a woman for the emotional overhaul of having a baby – physically, spiritually and mentally, it’s a transformation which is incomparable to any other life experience. And, even more unexpected, is how our priorities change once we’ve had children – while once, going on expensive holidays and wearing glamorous clothes seemed like the most important thing in the world, suddenly, we’re happy to sacrifice anything we have to protect and prioritise our children.
But it’s important to retain some sense of who you are throughout childrearing – and the physical effects of childbirth can hugely affect a women’s confidence, which in turn affects every area of her life. For better or for worse, we live in a society where looks are paramount – where women call in sick to work on ‘fat’ days, which isn’t unreasonable considering that being overweight negatively affects your career.
It would be foolish to deny, therefore, that body image issues following pregnancy can cause serious problems – from affecting your relationship with your partner, to damaging your self-esteem. Having a young child can be isolating enough without feeling socially inadequate due to your appearance. And with the prevalence of ‘post-baby’ celeb pics, showing celebrities back to their pre-baby figures within days, without a hint of a stretch mark or an ounce of excess fat in sight, mean that many women underestimate the uphill struggle of bouncing back after a baby.
The Truth About Post-Pregnancy Weight
The truth is, it’s hard enough staying at the slim size society expects before you’ve had a baby, let alone after you’ve had one. Most women spend their entire lives fighting the flab, only for a baby to land an average of 25-30 pounds on your body in one go – and that’s without taking into consideration that the act of giving birth is itself physically traumatic. Split stomach muscles, a stitched perineum, a leaky bladder, vaginal bleeding and constipation can all make jumping straight back in the gym seem rather unappealing, and in some cases, impossible. And even if the gym is an option, when are you supposed the find the time with a newborn baby to look after?
The truth is, evolution has handed us a loaded gun when it comes to baby weight – that extra weight is supposed to help with breastfeeding your baby, and give you an emergency energy resource if food is scarce. And our bodies are designed to hang onto fat for dear life, making weight even harder to shift – so what are new mothers supposed to do?
The Celebrity Secret Behind Post-Baby Bounce-Backs
When you see interviews with certain celebrities flaunting their svelte post-baby figures, talking about the importance of a macrobiotic diet and the hours they’ve put in on some fancy new running machine, the reality is, we all know they’ve had some help. Celebrities aren’t magical or superhuman, and when they give birth, they suffer the exact same side effects as the rest of us do – the only difference is, they have celebrity surgeons to magic the effects away.
Well, with an exciting new procedure called CoolSculpting, you too can benefit from a bit of celebrity bounce-back magic – without the surgeon. CoolSculpting uses the patented cryolipolysistechnology from Zeltiq which works by freezing targeted fat cells, which are then broken down and eliminated by the body over the following weeks. Once removed, these fat cells will not return, and, though CoolSculpting works best when supported by exercise, there’s no reason for this exercise to be anything more strenuous than the post-birth exercises your doctor will have prescribed you anyway.
It’s best when applied to focused areas (such as the inner thighs, love handles and tummy flab) so it’s perfect for post-baby weight – and because it takes around three weeks for the results to begin to show, with final results seen around 12 weeks after treatment, no one will ever know your incredible post-baby figure isn’t the result of round-the-clock exercise. Non-invasive, painless and in most cases involving no downtime whatsoever, it’s the gentlest and least disruptive way of removing unwanted fat – and the most effective way of supporting your weight-loss efforts.
So with options like CoolSculpting available, there’s no reason to lose your pre-baby body – and you can focus on looking after your newborn, not on spending all day in the gym.
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