Breast augmentation is one of the most popular types of plastic surgery procedures requested by women. While mainly a cosmetic procedure, breast augmentation can also be performed as a corrective or as a reconstructive procedure. Before opting to have your breast augmentation in Westchester, find out how breast enhancement works and whether or not it has safety and health issues.
What is Breast Augmentation?
Breast augmentation involves the use of implants or injectable fillers to enhance the volume and improve the shape of the breasts. It is usually done to enlarge the chest area, although it may also be performed to correct asymmetry and reconstruct the breasts after surgical removal or disfigurement. Another procedure called the breast lift may also be performed in addition to the augmentation in patients who complain of saggy breasts.
Benefits of Breast Augmentation
There are many key benefits to breast augmentation Westchester, depending on the needs and preferences of the patient. Some of these advantages include:
– Improved looks and aesthetics
– Improved self-esteem and self-confidence
– Improved volume and appearance of the chest area after surgery
– Correction and improvement of the chest area after pregnancy, aging or weight loss
– Correction and improvement of a previous breast enhancement procedure
– Achieving symmetry and the ideal proportional shape
Why You Should Consider Surgery
Not everyone is a good candidate for surgery but if you are thinking of undergoing a breast augmentation procedure, you may want to talk to a cosmetic surgeon if you:
– Are unsatisfied with your breast size and shape
– Want a more symmetrical body appearance
– Have unnatural, elongated or saggy breast shape
– Have underdeveloped breasts
– Want to retain or regain full breast volume and better shape
– Have had breast implants but are unhappy with the results
– Want to be able to wear more flattering clothes and accessories
– Have realistic expectations, have done your own research and are willing to discuss the procedure openly with your surgeon
– Are generally healthy
Types of Surgery
In general, patients have a choice between silicone or saline implants. The actual surgery, however, may differ in terms of incision site. To date, the most popular type of incision used is called the inframammary incision wherein a cut is made below the folds of the breasts where the implants will be inserted. It is the ideal type of incision for women who intend to breastfeed in the future since it causes fewer difficulties or complications. Depending on the surgeon and on the preference of the patient, other types of incisions may be performed, such as the transaxillary incision (under the arm), transumbilical incision (at the navel/belly button) or periareolar incision (at the areolae of the nipples).
Are There Risks and Complications?
All surgical procedures carry a number of risks. However, these risks can be minimized and avoided altogether provided that the surgeon performing the procedure is trained, licensed, skilled and experienced in this type of surgery. It is also important that the patient is healthy and follows the recommended steps before, during and post surgery for optimum healing and best results.
This article was written by Jane Shippe
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