It’s hard to underestimate the harm of smoking cigarettes for the human’s health. About eight million people in the world die every year of tobacco-related diseases. The list of the health problems caused by tobacco smoking is large and it’s growing constantly. Some of them are:
- lung cancer
- heart diseases
- diabetes
- liver cancer
- erectile dysfunction
- ectopic pregnancy
- vision loss
- tuberculosis
- rheumatoid arthritis
- colorectal cancer
- stroke
- and others.
So if you smoke tobacco cigarettes, it’s in your interest to kick the habit as soon as you can in order to keep you healthy. And don’t start smoking, if you haven’t consumed tobacco cigarettes before.
While the hazards of smoking are clear, the best way to quit is not. Actually, there is no single best way. And many people who quit the smoking for good had tested more than one way and usually had no success at the first attempt. So, it’s normal if it doesn’t work at once. The process requires patience and faith in yourself.
What Are The Known Ways of Quitting Smoking?
- behavioral therapy or individual counseling
- nicotine replacement therapy(nicotine gum, lozenges and patches)
- medications
- vaping
- hypnosis
- quit-smoking classes and apps
- detox supplements (such as Toxin Rid)
To reach your goal you may combine some of the methods or all of them and look how it works for you.
Is Vaping Really Helpful?
Lately the issue about the ability of vaping to help in quitting smoking has been widely discussed. A study by the National Institute for Health Research and Cancer Research UK has been carried out, where 900 volunteers participated. Half of them were given electronic cigarettes with instructions and another half of participants has got nicotine replacement products, such as patches, gums, lozenges, nasal sprays, inhalators, mouth sprays, mouth strips, and micro tabs. All the participants of the study received individual counseling every four weeks. After one year the National Institute checked the results. They maintained, that 18% of people assigned to vaping had quit smoking for good, while the data of the nicotine replacement therapy group was only 10%. The gap was significant.
If you’ve decided to kick your habit you may try vaping and check how it works for you. From the beginning you need to choose a vape device that will fit your needs and an appropriate e-liquid. There are cute beginner kits that won’t bring you any fuss, they include everything you need for the start. If you are looking for a vape uk online, check vape marketplace Vawoo, where are gathered all the best sellers and manufacturers of vaping industry in one place, there you can find everything related to vaping. All the time vape deals take place on the platform, it’s a great chance to buy a high-quality product at a very low cost.
Vaping as one of the best alternatives to smoking and really helps people to lead a healthier lifestyle.
Take care of yourself and never stop trying to quit smoking until you reach your goal.
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