While sleeping if someone is producing sound from mouth and nose while breathing then it is considered as snoring. Snoring is also related to sleep apnea. Sometimes it seems funny and annoying at the …
Can You Recognize the Harmful Signs of Sleep Apnea?
Waking up with a sore, dry throat and feeling tired and drowsy even after a long night sleep are all symptoms of a condition that many suffer without knowing; sleep apnea. There are three types of …
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The health problems caused by Obstructive Sleep Apnoea can be serious
In addition to these more commonly known risk factors, many people donโt realize that theyโre in greater danger of developing sleep apnoea, or OSA, if they already suffer from other common …
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An Overview Of Sleep Apnea And CPAP Treatment
Almost everyone snores, but excessive snoring may be a sign of a potentially serious medical condition called sleep apnea. This disorder interferes with your ability to breathe while you sleep. Sleep …
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Reduce Risk of Sleep Apnoea in Mine Workers
Sleep apnoea is a condition exhibited by lack of sleep or irregular sleep patterns due to disruption of the circadian cycle and abnormal breathing. The condition affects many miners and other shift …
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