Cosmetic surgery has not always been associated with good press over the years. More often than not presented as an unhealthy addiction for hollywood celebs rather than a costly vice for normal people, cosmetic procedures have nonetheless managed to become as popular as ever despite their reputation.
But while extreme kinds of surgery can hardly be recommended from a health perspective, some procedures can actually have a positive impact on your physical – and mental – wellbeing.
Here are three plastic surgery procedures that you probably didnโt know could help you deal with annoying and painful conditions.
Breast reduction
Cosmetic surgery for breasts is more commonly associated with breast implants, but breast reduction is also an option. Some people choose it for purely aesthetic reasons, while many patients look beyond the superficial aspects for long-term benefits to their health. By making breasts become more proportionate, breast reduction surgery helps many women get rid of annoying backache and neck ache. Breast reduction can also be great for asthma sufferers, making the breathing process smoother. The discomfort caused by tight bra straps will also be a thing of the past, allowing patients to live more comfortably and confidently.
Botox against migraines
Chronic migraines represent an extremely annoying condition which prevent most sufferers from sleeping properly, at times causing insomnia and making daily life very uncomfortable too. Now available on the NHS for people who suffer at least 15 days of migraine per month and have not responded to at least three previous drug treatments, Botox works by relaxing the muscles and nerves which cause the headache and thus reducing the occurrence of the symptoms.ย With side effects observed in only 5% of cases, botox is a pretty safe choice and not a permanent one. Its effects will last up to six months and only happy patients will opt for a second jab.
Facial reconstruction surgery
Deciding to change the way your face looks is at times the only option you have to keep living and interacting normally within society. This is often the case for people who suffered from extreme injuries which implied the damage or removal of parts of their faces. Such cases include the reconstruction needed following accidents, trauma burns, as well as reconstructive surgery needed to treat skin cancer. Inspiring and extreme stories about this kind of surgery are rather common, and help us understand the progress thatโs being made to help patients get back to a dignified everyday life. Not all stories are obviously as impactful, but even a partial or minimal face reconstruction can go a very long way towards helping someone who suffered from a trauma recover the confidence which had been lost.
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