Dental emergencies are interesting situations; unlike many medical problems requiring urgent treatment, a visit to the emergency room probably isn’t the best choice. Today, we’re going to talk about what dental emergencies are and what you should do if they occur.
There are many things that could be classified as requiring urgent care, but the two most common ones are injury and infection.
Injury-based emergencies may occur as a result of sports, vehicle collisions, or other situations that can cause damage to the jaw. If the injury is too severe, then a visit to the emergency room is still the best choice – but damage done primarily to the teeth can be solved through other means. The major concern here is sharp pieces of bone that may cut open the tongue, cheeks, throat, or (if a tooth is swallowed) some of the intestines. If a tooth is broken, but not totally gone, then the remaining part is probably going to be a danger until it’s treated. Prompt attention may be able to save the tooth (or at least part of it) and prevent the need for an implant.
Infections may also require urgent care, but fortunately, their treatment tends to be very easy. Small-scale infections happen within the mouth on a regular basis and aren’t a major problem, but in some rare cases, a major infection may be able to spread. If it goes too far, the infection might end up damaging or destroying multiple teeth before it can be overcome.
If you believe you are having a dental emergency, the first thing you should do is call your dentist’s office and explain the situation as precisely as you can. This will help them make a professional suggestion about the course of treatment. Most office locations will do their best to get you into their office in a timely manner, but you may be referred to an alternate location or the emergency room if they are unable to shuffle schedules enough.
Be sure to follow all suggestions that are given. If you are unable to get into an office in a timely manner, ask what treatment you can provide yourself. Depending on the nature of the emergency, you may hear a variety of recommendations, from using an alcohol-based mouthwash to pushing a block of some kind into their mouth. Do not attempt any treatment unless a qualified medical professional has approved of it for your particular case.
Above all, do not panic. There are many trained dentists who are capable of treating dental emergencies, and just about any conceivable injury to the mouth can be treated with a combination of time and modern mouth restoration techniques. The person suffering the emergency will probably be fine, so remaining calm when scheduling their treatment (and, if necessary, providing it yourself) is the best thing you can do.
The author wants to see that every Dental Emergency Utah residents face is treated effectively, and has worked with a Pediatric Dentist Salt Lake City residents trust to promote patient awareness. A Dental Emergency Utah residents experience can be solved with a visit to a Pediatric Dentist Salt Lake City trusts to get the job done correctly.
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dentistcosmetic says
Incredible, Thanks for these post. the above post give the finish learning about dental emergencies and furnish the result if there should be an occurrence of emergencies happens.