Having a healthy nutrition plan is basically the foundation of living a completely healthy life. However, when dealing with some conditions and problems that appear, this is a little more complicated than many expect. This is also the case with type 2 diabetes. In this case we have what is referred to as a type 2 diabetic diet.
The problem with dieting when looking at type 2 diabetes is that there are some differences to the regular weight loss plans you would normally create. The facts that have to be remembered in this particular case are the following.
Decrease Calories Slowly
Most people make the mistake of going from over 2500 calories per day to around 1500 all of a sudden. This is a bad idea. You need to decrease calorie intake slowly on a week by week basis. That helps you to mentally adapt to the fact that you eat less and the body will not see this as being a survival threat. When you are faced with sudden low calorie intake, the body tries to preserve fat in order to have some sort of energy back-up.
Keep It Simple When You Start
Do not complicate everything that is associated with your diet. There is no need to focus on advanced topics like macro combinations or focus on food timings. What is important is to eat the proper food amount and consider only food choices that come from natural, healthy sources. That is what puts you on the right path and what basically aids you to get used to the new diet.
Experiencing With New Foods
One of the pitfalls of dieting is always eating the same foods. You have to avoid this and you need to try new foods, especially when you do not have a lot of dieting experience. New dieters are so easily thrown off track by the fact that they end up bored with eating the same thing over and over again. Food cravings increase and it becomes impossible to resist them.
Regularly experiencing with new foods helps the body. This does include cooking new recipes and trying new vegetables. Dietary adherence has to be improved and you do that so easily when your menu is diversified.
Set Realistic Expectations
The doctor told you that you need to make dietary modifications and that you need to lose weight in order to better tackle the diabetes. This does not mean that you need to end up with incredibly impressive weight loss results in a short period of time. We saw so many that wanted to lose 10 pounds every week. This would not only be impossible, it would also be unhealthy if you get to that point. Your focus should be put on dropping up to 2 pounds every single week.
Dieting becomes a necessity for those suffering from type 2 diabetes because of the effects it has on blood sugar control. This helps manage the disease better. what you have to remember is that this is a condition that you can actually live with and if you avoid the mistakes above, your dieting will be much simpler.
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