We all have things about ourselves that we don’t love or that we may be insecure about. Sometimes it helps our self confidence, overall demeanour and level of overall confidence to find ways to improve or lessen our insecurities. One thing that many people are self conscious about, even celebrities, are their lips. If you are looking to make your lips bigger or enhance your lips, lip fillers are a go to option. Like any medical procedure, lip fillers require education and there are do’s and don’ts that will help make your lip fillers successful and lave you feeling confident:
- DON’T take thing blood thinners or any serious medication for 7 days prior. This doesn’t just mean pills, but also other things that may thin your blood including wine, aspirin, aleve, etc. Don’t overindulge prior to getting fillers. Blood thinners can cause bad bruising.
- DO drink lots of water and stay hydrated immediately before your fillers to help make the healing process easier.
- DON’T touch your newly filled lips. It may be tempting when they are numb, sore or if you happen to look in the mirror but avoid touching, massaging or playing with your lips to avoid irritation.
- DO be patient and flexible as the fillers take a week, at minimum for the swelling to go down. This means that your lips may look extra puffy and it may feel wrong, but the swelling will go down.
- DON’T over exert yourself or strain anything after the surgery. Give yourself at least 24 hours to take it easy and avoid exercise and activities that drastically increase your blood flow as it won’t help reduce inflammation.
- DO follow up with your doctor as it is important to make sure there are no issues and to ensure a smooth and easy recovery.
- DON’T go to an unlicensed professional. If you are looking to save a buck, try Groupon deals on cheap lip fillers London for discounts on quality.
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