Your genetic makeup contains far more than just the genetic code on which are inscribed all the distinctive characteristics that make you a unique individual. Your DNA contains a host of other genetic information that was handed down to you by your parents, grandparents and your ancient forefathers many thousands of years ago. A DNA test can help reveal the origins of those ancient forefathers helping you learn more about who you are. DNA tests for ancestry make great personalized gifts besides being a good way of getting a clearer picture of your genealogy.
Ancient ancestral origins testing
You might have thought yourself to be of ancient African-American ancestry or have considerable eastern European blood. But only a DNA test can confirm whether your suppositions are correct. Ancestry DNA tests can provide such surprising information. You might have heard on the new that DNA tests on Hilter’s relatives showed he had Jewish ancestry or that Michelle Obama had white ancestry in her lineage. A DNA test can reveal which ancestral groups your DNA most closely matches. These groups have been researched by anthropologists and the DNA sequenced from these groups stored in huge electronic databases. Each specific group is also specifically linked to a certain geographical region. This means that a DNA test can link your genetic profile to not only your ancient ancestors but also tell you where your genetic relatives came from. Look out for those companies that offer personalized ancestry amps with their test results. This is a great means of visualizing your ancestry in conjunction with the wealth of other information a good ancestry test should provide you with.
My ancient forefathers
Ancestry testing can also be done to determine where your ancient forefathers came from and who they were. This type of test is thus, specifically aimed at discovering your paternal lineage. Scientists are able to do this by analyzing the male Y chromosome. This chromosome is only found in males. If you are female and wish to do a paternal lineage test it shouldn’t be too difficult because you can just ask a direct male relative to do the test in your place (a sibling or perhaps an uncle). You will receive information about the the genetic haplogroup of your male ancestors, a description of the group and a map showing how your ancient ancestors migrated out of the continent of Africa to other parts of the world.
My ancient foremothers
Both males and females can find out about their ancient maternal lineage thanks to what is called mitochondrial DNA. This special type of DNA can be analyzed to reveal your ancient maternal haplogroups and works in much the same way as a paternal lineage test.
Sample collection for ancestry testing
Ancestry testing is great for many reasons – not least of which is the fact that samples can be collected quickly using a simple oral swab. These oral swabs need to rubbed inside the mouth for ten seconds and sent to the laboratory for analysis. Normally, a kit will be sent to your chosen address. This home sampling kit contains the swabs as well as the brief explanation needed to collect the DNA samples required. Once you have collected the samples, all you need to do is return then to the laboratory for analysis and wait a couple of days for your results.
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