Let’s get real. Life is hectic and it’s hard to keep up with everything. Everyone has busy schedules, from studying for an exam to taking your kid to soccer practice. There’s just no time to think, and if you do think, it’s not about yourself. Forgetting important things is a serious issue. In order for you to feel like your on top of the pedestal you need to give your body the right fuel. If you’re interested in fueling your brain with food that can enhance your memory and ability to focus, keep reading.
Peppermint – Peppermint is a popular ingredient to improve memory and concentration. It comes in numerous forms like tea, an oil, a scent, and in a lot of products out there. If you’re studying for a test grab a bag of mints and start chomping or sucking. You’ll find yourself being able to memorize terms better and be able to concentrate on tasks before you. A study was done in Cincinnati, Ohio where they took a group of students and split them into two sections. One group smelled the crisp scent of peppermint oil beforehand and the other didn’t. Those who smelled peppermint oil did 28% better on the test than those who did not. So go grab peppermint scented lotion, chapstick, or body spray to improve concentration and enhance memory.
Fruits and Veggies– There are many benefits to eating fruits and vegetables but one of the most significant has to do with your brain. Produce is a great source of anti-oxidants which protect brain cells from damage. Anti-oxidant rich foods prevent Alzheimer’s; a disease where patients suffer from memory loss. Prunes, raisins, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, plums, oranges, red grapes, and cherries are all good fruits that help with memory retention. Kale, Spinach, Brussels sprouts, alfalfa sprouts, broccoli flowers, beets, red bell peppers, onions, corn, and eggplant are all approved for help to concentrate and prevent memory loss.
Fish– Fish oil has been proven to enhance brain functionality over time. It doesn’t instantly improve focus and memory so you have to eat or take a fish oil capsule every day to get it running in your system. Fish or fish oil is not a quick memory boost; it repairs and rebuilds your brain over time. Fish contain these wonderful omega-3 fatty acids that boost brain functionality and memorization. Your body can’t manage making omega-3 fatty acids so it’s healthy and smart to eat fish. So hit the lake or the store and catch a fish that will enrich your brain with omega-3 fatty acids.
Chocolate and nuts– Nuts and chocolate contain antioxidant vitamin E which sharpen focus. The cocoa extract in chocolate supports healthy circulation of blood flow and the brain depends on the circulatory system to function properly. Try stocking up on chocolate and nuts to keep the mind thriving and active. Kids will love the great chocolaty taste and at the same time their brains are being fueled with more blood that will enhance concentration.
Avocados and Whole Grains– Healthy food doesn’t just make you skinny, it also helps the brain to function better. Avocados and whole grains are another source that promotes good blood flow to the heart and brain. It’s a natural alternative to reduce the risk of plaque buildup in the blood and keep you stronger and healthier in the brain and body. Because healthy blood flow is good all around. Go fuel your brain with tasty avocados and whole grains.
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Rachael Largent is a content creator that enjoys writing about smart eating, mind power, and healthy products for the body and brain.
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