Most people have heard that carrots can improve your eyesight, but this idea kind of sounds like something your mother might tell you to make you eat your vegetables. Is there any truth to the notion that your diet can affect your eye health? Can what you eat help your vision, or are you at the mercy of the eyesight you were given genetically? The truth behind the carrot idea is that the nutrients that you give your body truly can give your eyes the fuel they need to stay healthy and strong.
Carrots have been the star vegetable when it comes to promoting good eyesight. They have earned this reputation only because they contain high levels of beta-carotene. Beta–carotene is processed by the liver and transformed into Vitamin A to be used by your body. Once significant way that Vitamin A promotes good health is by protecting and strengthening the retinas in your eyes. This can actually lead to better eye health and can often improve your ability to see at night. Carrots are not the only foods providing vitamin A. You can also receive this nutrient from milk, eggs, and liver.
Vitamin C is another nutrient that can boost the health of your eyes. This vitamin is often associated with boosting the immune system and protecting the body. This is absolutely true, and this increased strength can be beneficial to your eyesight as well. A diet containing a healthy amount of Vitamin C has been shown to reduce the risk of common eye health problems from occurring, such as cataracts and macular degeneration. There are plenty of fruits and vegetables rich in Vitamin C, including oranges, parsley, broccoli, and grapefruits.
The B-Complex vitamins can also provide much needed support for the eyes. This group of vitamins has been shown to reduce the risk of developing glaucoma as well as macular degeneration. In the form of an eye-drop, B2 vitamins can help the cornea and alleviate problems such as red, itchy eyes and dimmed vision. B-Complex vitamins can be found in bananas, salmon, and most leafy green vegetables.
Foods that are rich in lycopene, which is a type of antioxidant, are also very beneficial for eye health. Antioxidants are very important for the health of the entire body, including the eyes. They help keep the body free of free radicals, reducing the risk that the body will develop certain types of cancer as well as many other serious medical problems. Lycopene, which is found in foods such as tomatoes, watermelon, and apricots, protect the eyes by keeping the surrounding blood vessels clear of free radicals.
As a basic rule of thumb, foods that are considered beneficial for your overall health will promote eye health and vice versa. When determining a healthy, eye-friendly diet for yourself, you will want to incorporate fresh fruits and vegetables that will give your body plenty of various vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. As a result, you will find yourself with a stronger immune system, more energy, and better eye health. Like the rest of your body, your eyes need a well-balanced nutritional diet in order to function at their best.
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