Sometimes people suffer from health issues that are less than desirable, and even hard to talk about. You probably don’t talk about them with the people in your life, unless they’ve actually experienced the issue. And it can even be hard, or sometimes embarrassing to talk about them even at the doctor’s office.
Not only do you have to explain to the receptionist on the phone what it is you need to see the doctor for, but you also need to talk to the nurse and then the doctor, once you are at your appointment. That’s a lot of talking about something that makes you feel embarrassed and uncomfortable.
To start off with, it helps to know that you are not the only person suffering from these things, and your doctor, and all of their office employees, are used to talking about such sensitive subjects. There is no reason to be embarrassed, especially when it comes to health.
#1. Diarrhea And Constipation
When you suffer from either diarrhea or constipation, or both, it could be a sign that something else is wrong in your system. While it could simply be the wrong diet choices, it could also be anything from a stomach bug to Celiac disease, or even irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
Your doctor will ask you questions about your lifestyle, stress in your life, and even about the type of diet you eat on a daily basis. While you might be embarrassed to admit to a poor diet, your honest answer can help your doctor diagnose what is wrong with you. They may also need to schedule a colonoscopy in order to determine certain possible illnesses.
#2. Erectile Disfunction
For guys, erectile disfunction is something difficult to talk about, and can sometime ruin their relationships. If there’s a chance your doctor can help you out, it makes sense to talk about it. It could be something as simple as low testosterone. Or, you could be drinking, smoking, or doing too many drugs. Only your doctor can help you find out the real cause.
#3. Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids can be buring and itching, and those over-the-counter pads can simply make them hurt even more. Your doctor may be able to pinpoint what is causing them and suggest something such as a change in your diet. Certain foods can cause you to have more frequent, and harder, bowel movements, which can bring on hemorrhoidal flare ups. Try avoiding spicy foods!
#4. Gas And Bloating
Often times, gas and bloating can be directly related to your diet. Take some time to figure out what foods make you gassy and cause bloating for you. You can do this with a food journal.
Some likely culprits include broccoli, beans, and cabbage. Try cutting back on these foods,or even eating them slower or with other less gassy food options.
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