Are you constantly suffering from aches and pains? Perhaps you have a persistent headache which simply won’t go away. Or maybe you’re just sick and tired of feeling so lethargic all the time, but have no idea what’s causing it.
If any of these symptoms sound familiar to you, you may have already tried to uncover the cause of your malaise. But sometimes, discovering the reason for why we feel under the weather is easier said than done, and many people simply end up taking pain medication to treat their ongoing symptoms, without ever getting to the truth behind their condition.
Osteopathy – a Holistic Solution
If you have persistent health problems which are stubbornly sticking around, no matter what you do, you may wish to consider the benefits of a more holistic approach to healing.
The practice of osteopathy is built around the core belief that it’s possible to improve the entire working of the body by treating its structure. This is why osteopathic practitioners will use varying techniques to manipulate and realign parts of the body which are under tension, or stress. Osteopaths treat the body as a whole, to make sure that every part of your body is working correctly and in conjunction with the rest.
The Benefits of Osteopathy
The main benefit of osteopathy, and probably the one you’ll notice straight away, is a general improvement in the flexibility and movement of your entire body.
This may not sound like much, particularly if you have a specific problem which you are trying to treat. But many people don’t realise just how much stress they carry with them in their bodies, every day, and when this tension is released it comes with a great feeling of relief and wellbeing. And simply feeling more relaxed in our day-to-day lives is the first step on the road to improved health and happiness.
The other benefits of osteopathy are numerous, and include:
- Specific treatments for neck, back or joint pain.
- Reduction of chronic tension, leading to improved muscle tone.
- Stops and prevents the reoccurrence of tension headaches.
- Geriatric, Paediatric and Maternity treatments.
- Improvement of the vascular, nervous and lymph systems.
What Happens During an Osteopathy Session?
When you go to see an osteopath, you will be asked about all of your symptoms and problems. You will then most likely have a physical examination, and be asked to perform some movements. This will help your osteopath determine what sort of treatment would be best for you.
To treat you, your osteopath will use their hands to manipulate your body in various ways. This can include anything from deep tissue massage to joint manipulation. Some osteopaths offer complimentary therapies during their sessions, such as acupuncture. All of the techniques they employ are designed to restore improve the function of your muscles, blood vessels, nerves and joints. Osteopathy can sometimes be uncomfortable, but is rarely painful.
How to Find a Great Osteopath
Because osteopathy is such a hands on discipline, you should aim to find an osteopath to whom you can easily relate in a personal way. If you are tense during your sessions, you may find that treatment is slow, or ineffective. You should always feel at ease, and free to talk to your osteopath about all of your concerns.
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