Are you an avid coffee drinker? If so, have people ever told you to cut back on your habit or that coffee was bad for you? While it is possible to overindulge in coffee or in anything, recent research has shown that coffee can actually be surprisingly good for you! In fact, it is now widely believed that coffee could have several major health benefits, including:
- Reduced risk of diabetes
- Reduced risk of some types of cancer
- Reduced risk of heart problems
- Reduced risk of Parkinson’s disease
- Improved memory
- Reduced risk of dementia in later age
- Reduced risk of stroke
Increased Energy and Sounder Sleep
In addition to these major potential health benefits of coffee, there are smaller—but still wonderful—benefits to being a regular coffee drinker. One of the most obvious, of course, is that you’ll have more energy to get through your day. When you wake up in the morning and have that first cup, you’re instantly rearing and ready to go. Then, when you hit that mid-day slump, you can have another cup to bring up your energy levels once again. This is how most people use coffee, but what most people don’t realize, however, is that regular coffee usage can lead to sounder sleep. When you’re busier and more productive throughout the day, as coffee allows you to be, you’ll be more likely to fall asleep quickly, to stay asleep longer, and to sleep more deeply. Just make sure you stop the coffee consumption a couple of hours before bed!
Get Relief from Pain
If you suffer from chronic pain, you should know that you’re not alone. Many people have regular or even daily pain due to a variety of conditions and ailments, such as arthritis, past injuries, and more. It might interest you to learn that coffee can provide relief for all of those aches and pains! Research is still being done on why and how coffee reduces pain, but it may just be the simple fact that it induces relaxation, helping you to sit easier in your own skin. It can also lead the drinker to feel more rejuvenated and positive as well. So, the next time you’re not feeling so hot, down a cup of your favorite coffee!
Drink Away the Pounds
Coffee can even be useful as a weight loss aid, believe it or not. Plain, black coffee contains no calories and no artificial ingredients, which means you can drink to your heart’s content without worrying about your waistline. Furthermore, it can flush out your system and help to keep water weight gain at bay. If you can use just a dash of creamer and some artificial sweetener, you can even get your sweet fix in without packing on the pounds. And, of course, the energizing effects of coffee can inspire you to hit the gym and then help you to get through your workout.
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Sarah is a content contributor for Coffee Retriever. Sarah enjoys writing about health and wellness, as well as many other topics. She recommends ordering k-cup coffee from
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