Heart is the core of the human body. Research has shown heart disease to be a leading cause of death among both, men and women. Statistics show that every year almost 610,000 people die of heart disease in the United States.
It is extremely important to take care of your heart if you wish to live a long and healthy life without any potential scares from your heart. Health heart is crucial for your mental and physical wellbeing. You are advised to get a short term health insurance to take care of your heart and also to follow a healthy lifestyle. Getting short term health insurance is no that difficult as there are many providers out there.
There are a few simple lifestyle changes you need to make in order to improve the health of your heart. This article will discuss these changes to lifestyle that you can make.
Take care of your diet
Having a healthy diet is the most important change you can make to your lifestyle which can keep your heart in its prime for a long time. It is time to sit down and think of your diet plan again. You need to bid adieu to your favorite cheese burger and make salad a part of your diet.
Of course, you will not be as happy or smiling as these models look when they’re eating salads, however in the long-run making a healthy diet a part of your routine will make you happy, fit and smiling.
Following are some advices as to what you should eat and what type of food you should cut down on.
Eat foods with plenty of fiber:
It is important to consume foods that contain plenty of fiber. Additionally, you should cut down on foods that contain a lot of fat, as fat impacts your cholesterol level in a negative manner.
Foods which contain the desired quantity of fiber are bread, wholegrain cereals, oats and barley. Some pulses such as beans and peas also contain fiber.
Lower your fat intake:
Foods with high saturated content tend to have high fat. You shouldn’t only eat foods with low fats, but you should make sure that they complement the health of your heart. Round cuts of beef, leaner portions of protein and low fat dairy products will help you maintain your weight, lower your blood pressure and reduce the risk of potential heart attacks.
Eating a well-balanced diet is extremely important for the health of your heart. Two portions of fish each week and cutting down on your salt will also ensure a healthier heart. The key is to make sure that you have regular meals and don’t under any circumstances skip breakfast.
Stop Smoking, NOW!
Being a chain smoker and aiming to have a healthy heart doesn’t go hand in hand. Smoking blocks your coronary arteries making you prone to heart attacks among other diseases. Thus, there is no other alternative for you other than to quit smoking to keep your heart healthy. If you find it difficult to quit smoking, you should visit your healthcare provider and enroll in various programs which can help you quit smoking.
Lower your alcohol intake
You don’t need to avoid alcohol entirely; rather you should aim to reach moderation. This means that you should intake moderate levels of alcohol. The right level depends on several things including your age, gender and the overall health condition.
Get involved in physically activity
Almost all kinds of physical activity, including running, exercising or even dancing are integral for a healthy heart. Your heart is a muscle, and just like any other muscle in your body, physical activity keeps it strong and pumping.
Lack of physical activity runs the risk to your heart because of high weight, high blood pressure and high levels of stress which can cause heart attack.
Physical activity doesn’t only incorporate body exercises, running or swimming, in fact even activities which require barest of efforts but involve some muscle moving in your body can relieve stress like knitting, sewing or even moving. Everyday household tasks like vacuuming and cleaning also lowers any potential risks of cardiovascular diseases. Taking up stairs instead of lifts or escalators or just playing with your kid also engages your muscles and is incorporated as physical activity.
You can take up some yoga classes as well because it stretches your body and relaxes your mind, thereby de-stressing your body.
All of the above lifestyle changes ensure that you have a healthy heart. In simple words, you need to have a healthier and well-balanced diet and control your stress levels to make sure that your heart stays healthy. People who are happy and laugh often are likely to have low levels of stress inducing hormones which results into lower risks of any potential heart diseases.
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