It is an unfortunate but true reality that many people who attend emergency waiting rooms leave before being treated. This may be due to many factors, however, according to research done by the Johns Hopkins University, the leading contributing factor is the “wait”. Many individuals become tired of the long waiting periods and leave. Some of them go elsewhere for treatment and others end up feeling better, but certainly all individuals who leave before being treated are left with a bad taste in their mouths from the long wait. Since emergency rooms play such a vital role in the hospitals reputation, it makes sense that medical officials would be trying to come up with a way to avoid this bad experience for many individuals. This is how the ER reservation system came about.
Causes and Effects of People Leaving the Emergency Room
The number of people who walk out of emergency rooms without receiving medical treatment is on the rise. Studies show that, in some areas, as many as 1 out of 5 people who walk into an emergency room leave without being treated. This is a shocking number, but the amount of time spent in waiting rooms and the anxiety that is built up in that time should not be underestimated. Every person that walks into an emergency room sincerely believes that they are entitled to and require immediate medical attention, so it doesn’t help much to be told that patients will be seen to according to the severity of their situation. Individuals care about time frame, so they expect an estimated turnaround time when they are addressed.
This is why the emergency room reservation system is priceless. Individuals can go online and make a reservation for the emergency room ahead of time. This ensures shorter waiting periods. It also ensures that people can plan their day more effectively and use their time more productively.
For hospitals, it means that medical professionals can do their jobs more effectively. When potential patients walk out of emergency rooms, it appears that the health care system is failing these individuals, and there is some truth to that appearance. However thanks to this new system in place, the health care system can once again be a source of help for patients needing medical attention.
This system is completely free to all individuals. Whether or not you have insurance is of no relevance, and there is no discrimination. Potential patients can simply go online and make their reservation without interrupting their schedules. You should always try to stick to your reserved time, however, in circumstances where you can’t, you are welcome to cancel and then reschedule. This ensures that others can make use of that time slot. ย For step-by-step instructions on the best way to cancel or reschedule your treatment time visitย
This system at has turned a logical concept into an ingenious reality. Ridiculous waiting times in emergency rooms has come to an end. People can now be free to use their time as they please. The best part about a reservation is that it gives you more freedom and liberty with your time.
This article was contributed by Louisa Rosin
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