Aesthetically, most people believe that a complete set of front teeth is essential, and the existence of gaps can threaten self-esteem. Dentistry has progressed a lot in recent years, and there is now no reason for people to put up with tooth loss for any length of time. One of the most effective ways of investing in your smile are dental implants.
What are dental implants?
Dental implants are replacement tooth roots, and are used to fix in place an individual prosthetic tooth, or even a bridge. They are made up of small titanium screws which are placed in the jawbone at the site of the missing tooth. Over a period of months, the implant fuses with the jawbone and acts as a new tooth root. Such implants can be used to produce replacement roots for any number of missing teeth, without affecting the remaining natural teeth.
What are the advantages of dental implants?
– Dental implants, if cared for properly, can last as long as natural tooth roots. Visually, it is impossible to distinguish a dental implant from a natural tooth. The implant will normally be used to attach a prosthetic tooth, which sits on your gum just like a real tooth.
– As you might expect, because the implants are fixed to your jawbone like natural tooth roots, the prosthetic teeth will perform similarly to natural ones. Any normal chewing should be OK: as long as you are not prone to entering strongman contests and pulling trucks with your teeth, you should be able to treat your implants like your original teeth.
– If you lose a tooth, bone tends to be lost from the jaw area, as the root is no longer there to encourage the bone to strengthen, or ossify, around it. Implants tend to prevent further bone loss, as bone develops around them (known as osseointegration).
– Bone loss can have a negative impact on your appearance, as people who have lost a few teeth tend to get a sunken appearance around their mouths. This affects the structure of your face as a whole. Implants, by virtue of encouraging bone regrowth, will tend to prevent this type of premature ageing.
– Traditional dentures tend to be unstable, and thus limit what you can eat, as crunchy or chewy foods are difficult to consume. Implants let you forget that they are not natural teeth, and allow you to eat and drink normally.
– Whilst dental implants can appear expensive, if looked after carefully, in conjunction with regular dental checks, they can last a lifetime. This is not the case with other prosthetic solutions, so implants can be a smart investment.
– Dental implants give you a freedom that traditional denture wearers cannot experience. Eating is not a problem, and laughing and smiling will seem entirely natural.
– Implants simply require the same care as natural teeth: regular brushing and flossing are essential, but implants can even lead to improved oral health, due to the fact that the remaining teeth are left alone, and access to them is not blocked.
– It is estimated that around 98% of dental implants are successful. Ultimately, success depends on the position in the mouth, and the degree of bone loss, although smoking will also be a risk factor.
– Implants offer improved comfort in relation to traditional dentures. Due to their greater stability, clarity of speech is also improved, which will enhance social confidence for most people.
Should I invest in Dental Implants?
Implants are not cheap, but the potential advantages are very persuasive. They have virtually none of the drawbacks of traditional dentures. It is advisable to make sure that you purchase them from a dentist with experience of such work, who will give appropriate advice on whether and where to fit them. If you can afford it, invest in your smile: you are unlikely to regret it!
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