The effort to quit smoking has been since the invention of cigarettes and similar other products on the market but very few people have been able to successfully quit this ill habit. But with the introduction of e-cigarettes in the market it has become quite easier for people to get rid of the ill effects of smoking tobacco cigars.

This electronic version of the cigarettes can be considered as an effective smoking cessation device taking into account the numerous benefits that it provides in comparison to the conventional tobacco cigars.
Though there is a lack of sufficient practical evidence to prove this fact with certainty but from the surveys carried out in different parts of the world, it can be seen that e-cigarettes contribute positively to a great extent to mitigate the harmful effects of tobacco or nicotine while enabling the user to feel the pleasure of smoking. The negative effects of second-hand smoking can also be avoided to a great extent avoiding transmission of harmful diseases from the carrier to the victim. There is a wide range of e-cigarette kits available in the market for potential users to choose from according to their choice and preference.
Composition of the ingredients
The concept of e-smoking is yet unknown to many smokers due to the inadequate market exposure it gets. But very soon this concept will overpower the traditional smoking habits and ensure a healthier and happier environment. Though the initial investment for smoking an e-cigar is a bit high in comparison to tobacco cigarette smoking it is considered to be beneficial in the long run. An e-cigar uses a juice commonly referred to as e juice which is either made of vegetable glycerin or propylene glycol or nicotine or a combination of all these three components.
The propylene glycol is more commonly used because of its thin and fluidic properties. The odorless and tasteless nature of this diluent indicates that it does not get mixed up with the juice in any way. The vegetable glycerin being thicker in nature has a sweeter taste but masks the taste of the flavor being used. While nicotine is the third ingredient in the entire mixture the concentration of it contributes to the density and taste of the compound. The e-cig contains a battery that powers up the atomizer within it to vaporize the liquid in the cartridge to provide the user a feel of cigarette smoking.
Ensuring proper storage
Those who use or about to use e-cigs should know the proper storage technique for the e juice to retain its flavor and taste. It is recommended to store these liquids in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight. For this reason, these are available in colored glass bottles to restrict the direct entry of sunlight. An alternative option to store them is to keep them inside a closed box to prevent direct exposure. The general expiration period of these liquids is a maximum period of 2 years from the date of manufacture after which the effects of it begins to die down.
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