Knock knees is a condition that causes your legs to not be aligned properly at the knees, ankles, and hips.
People with knock knees, or genu valgum as it is sometimes called, may experience a number of issues such as chronic pain and balance problems.
Children under the age of 7 usually have knocked knees because their bones haven’t fully matured yet.
However, by the time they reach 7 years old their legs should correct themselves into a straight position.
If a child’s knock knee doesn’t correct itself as they get older there may be an underlying cause.
How to Diagnose Knock Knees
The most common way for doctors to diagnose knock knees and determine the underlying cause is to conduct an X-ray.
The doctor will also take a look at other factors to determine the underlying cause of knocked knees which include the following:
- Your walking patterns.
- Your body mass index and weight.
- The length of your legs and how it rotates.
By taking a look at these several factors and examining your Xray results the doctor will be able to identify why an adult or child has knock knees.
How to Treat Knock Knees
A child under the age of 7 may not need any treatment to correct their knock knees because it’s a part of their normal growth process, as stated by My Knock Knee Fix.
However, any child over the age of 7 or a person with knock knees in adulthood will definitely need to seek medical attention in order to correct this lower body deformity.
When it comes to treatment there are a few options available.
The treatment option used will usually depend on the underlying cause of the condition.
For example, if a child has knock knees due to vitamin D deficiency it may be necessary to treat the condition with supplementation of calcium and vitamin D.
Other than vitamin D supplementation there are a number of different exercises that can be performed daily to help straighten the legs.
Another non-surgical treatment for knock knees are knee braces that help guide the misalignment back into place.
These knock knee braces must be worn all day each day for them to be effective. Many people don’t like wearing them during the day because they’re usually bulky and can’t be hidden.
There are also insoles that can be worn in your shoes to help with your knock knee correction.
These non-surgical treatments only work for people with mild knock knees.
If your knock knees are too severe the only option to correct this lower leg deformity is to undergo a surgical procedure.
Knock Knee Correction Surgery
When it comes to knock knee surgery there are a couple options available.
For small children who don’t grow out of their knock knee deformity by the time they reach age 7 the best option for them is a procedure called guided growth surgery.
Guided Growth
With guided growth surgery a small metal plate is placed on the growth plates around the knee that needs to be corrected.
This metal plate will help slow down the growth of the crooked side of the bone while the outer part keeps growing, which will gradually guide the legs back into a straighter position.
This surgical procedure is only recommended for small children though because their bones haven’t fully developed yet.
However, if you’re an adult with mature bones guided growth surgery won’t do you much good.
If you’re an adult with knock knees the best option available to you is a surgical procedure known as osteotomy surgery.
When it comes to osteotomy surgery you have to go with a surgeon that is experienced in treating bone deformities like knock knees and bow legs.
The reason for this is because the surgeon will have to cut out a piece of the bone in your knees for it to work.
One wrong cut and your knees could be damaged permanently unless you undergo knee replacement surgery.
Once the surgeon removes the piece of bone from your knee he or she will change the angle of the bones by realigning them above or below the knee.
After the osteotomy surgical procedure, you will have to stay in the hospital a few days so the doctors can examine how you’re recovering from the procedure.
When you are released from the hospital and return home you will be required to stay away from wieght-bearing activities, and you might have to wear crutches for a few weeks.
You will also be required to do some physical therapy to help you regain your balance and strength in your muscles.
Knock Knee Surgery Cost
The cost of knock knee surgery will vary depending on the surgeon you choose and the area where you live.
However, the average knock knee correction cost is around $10,000 to $15,000.
If you have good health insurance, you can get most of that fee taken care of.
Most children with knock knees don’t need to take any action to improve their condition, as it’s often a natural part of their growth process.
If you’re an adult with knock knees osteotomy is your best option to achieve the straightening in your legs you desire.
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