When we hear the term acne, we often associate it with adolescent development. That’s why it can be disheartening when we’re still struggling with acne even into adulthood. Although there are hundreds of over-the-counter creams available on the market, sometimes they’re just not enough to get at the real root of the problem.
Acne is medically known as Acne Vulgaris. It is a skin condition that occurs when the oil glands at the base of your hair follicles come to life. These glands are mostly stimulated by male hormones that are produced by the adrenal glands in both sexes. The result of this is red pimples, usually on the face. Over time, these pimples can cause redness and swelling — leaving you with skin that is blotchy and even scarred.
The oil glands that trigger acne are embedded with bacteria. This acne-causing bacteria is known as P. acnes and must be eliminated, or at least kept at bay, for acne and its symptoms to disappear. If left untreated, this bacteria can worsen the acne by triggering severe inflammation and causing it to spread.
When over-the-counter creams or doctor-prescribed pills don’t work, many people turn to light therapy like Levulan’s BLU-U for acne treatment. .
Here’s how it works.
- Doctors say the P. acnes bacteria can be killed by exposing your skin to various types of light
- Blue-coloured light is the most popular wavelength used to treat acne
- Patient sits with face close to the light about once or twice a week
- Each session is about 17-20 minutes long
The number of treatments required will often vary depending on the severity of the patient’s acne. But treatments can go on for up to five weeks, with noticeable results within several weeks time.
One of the best things about Levulan’s BLU-U is that there is no pain associated with it. Some clients are worried that the light will be too hot on their face, but that is never the case with light therapy. And it is important to keep in mind that the device used is not a laser. But rather, it is a fluorescent light that is scattered over a large area.
Traditionally, light therapy treatments for acne used UV rays. But this is no longer used in the medical industry because of the dangerous side effects it is known to cause. Clients are happy to know that BLU-U does not emit UV rays. Blue light is non-invasive and is much safer than previously known methods of light therapy.
Meanwhile, the side effects of light therapy are very minimal with only slight redness or irritation in the exposed areas. Patients can go about their daily activities and still return to work immediately following a light therapy session.
The other great thing about BLU-U is that the preparation procedure is very simple. Before the session, your doctor will apply a lubricant to your skin (known as LevulanKerastick) to make it more sensitive to the light — and that’s about it. No further preparation work is required on behalf of the patient.
Although the cost for one session of blue light therapy may seem minimal, you must take into account the total number of sessions you will need to see noticeable results. Depending on the clinic you go to, one session can cost anywhere from $40 to triple that. To keep costs manageable, check with your insurance provider to see if the company covers this type of treatment.
You may come across some salons or day spas that offer light therapy services. Although beaming light on one’s face may seem harmless, this type of technique should always be performed by a qualified doctor. There are reports of people being ripped off by service providers who are not using a high-quality fluorescent device. Not all lights are made the same. Avoid falling for gimmicks that claim effective results.
There are also many consumer devices that promise the results of blue light therapy in the “comfort of your own home”. But doctors advise acne sufferers not to waste their money on these home-use products. Only reputable medical companies like Levulan manufacturer the light intensity required for positive results. Over-the-counter light therapy machines are often created by home spa lines with very little medical credibility to back them up.
If you’ve tried other acne solutions with no success, consider Levulan’s BLU-U. There are many qualified physicians that administer this procedure in North America. Ask your cosmetic doctor if he/she offers BLU-U. The road to acne-free skin may be right around the corner!
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License: Royalty Free or iStock source: http://www.shutterstock.com/
The author of the article is Jaime Iverson who is extremely passionate for holistic beauty and skin care! She has been in to beauty business since 2001. Follow her @ Facebook or Twitter
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