After a few years, when I objectively look at those situations, I realize that maybe I should have started with therapies before, because Lexapro did a miracle, and literally saved my family and me from falling apart. In this article, I would like to share with you a difficult period of my life, and a positive experience that I had with an antidepressant called Lexapro.
My medical knowledge is quite modest, so I will briefly describe what I know about this medicine. Its medical name is Escitalopram, and in pharmacies, it can be found in several variations. The most popular is before-mentioned Lexapro, which is the modification of one of the first produced antidepressant called Citalopram. Lexapro is a new generation of this group of medicines.
Both are intended for the treatment of various forms of depression and anxiety. One such condition is a postpartum depression, which affects the vast majority of young moms, especially those who are having their first child. Depending on the symptoms, the treatment can vary. Sometimes, the understanding and support of your family and environment are enough, while drastic cases require medical supervision and therapy with antidepressants.
It All Started With Labor
Right before my labor, my husband and I moved to our new house. It “screamed” for restoration, and everybody was slightly disgusted that we’ll bring the baby in that chaos. But we knew what is the most important for us that our new, little family has peace and coziness, and an opportunity to enjoy all the beauty of the parenthood.
Our parents were caring and always at their service. We became parents for the first time, and we need to learn a lot on the go. My mother-in-law was particularly thoughtful with me. She helped me with all of the housework: she did our laundry, cooked when she came to us or just sent us cooked meals, etc. I was a young mom with poor life experience, and I’m infinitely grateful to her.
Besides the family idyll, one day I just snapped. Like thunder from the sky, my mood swings were obvious soon after I gave birth to our daughter. At that time, I thought I was crazy; I did not know that the same thing happened to a large number of young moms and that it had a name โ postpartum syndrome. I found that out later. It hit me with all the possible symptoms: I was sleepy and anxious, I did not feel any relationship with my baby, most of the day, I just cried and hated everyone.
Negative Thoughts About Everything
My husband worked double shifts, and I misunderstood that as his lack of interest in me and my child. It’s shocking what kind of thoughts ran through your head when you are hit by a postpartum depression. It’s been a couple of weeks, and the situation has only worsened. I was aware that I love this little creature, however, now the feeling of indifference was replaced by fear. It’s not like we didn’t expect this, but suddenly I got a new responsibility – one innocent life depended on me.
In front of everyone, I behaved bravely; I even argued with my mother who openly offered me help saying “you are young, no one expects you to be able to everything.” I understood it in the worst possible context that I am incapable! Black thoughts controlled me, so I perceived a bad intention in everybody and everyone.
Phone Call Was a Precedent
One day, after a very regular telephone conversation with my cousin, I just fall apart. My baby started to cry; what I said was that it bothered me so much and that I think my child is ugly. Although I can attribute all mentioned to depression, after everything, I’m aware the weight of those words.
I sad more wrong things: that I’m unhappy, or that my husband does not like me anymore, and that I do not want this kind of life. My aunt tried to console me, but she was aware that something was wrong and alarmed my parents and husband.
How I Found Out About Lexapro
Long story short โ my situation ended up with visiting a psychologist. The doctor explained to me that I’m not the only case, and I don’t have to worry about everything. This is a frequent condition which happens after the significant change in life, and each one of us deals with it individually.
Some women never experience this kind of depression, others are even more dramatic cases than me. In my situation, regular controls and therapy with appropriate antidepressants happen to be very effective. A doctor prescribed me Lexapro, and it was worth a shot.
Since this is not a fairy tale, I will be honest with you. It should have been several weeks before the drug started to work. Moreover, it seems to me that with the onset of therapy, symptoms have worsened. The dose of 10mg was standard, one pill once a day. On the next doctor’s appointment, I begged him to increase the dose or change the therapy and he recommended to purchase from meds4sure.
However, the miracle started to happen in the third week of therapy with Lexapro. It probably took time for the serotonin in my brain to balance (I read this on Google :)), because it’s how this group of medications works โ these affect the optimization of the level of this neurotransmitter, which is responsible for our cerebral activities.
Side Effects of Lexapro
I didn’t have specific counter effects, other than dry mouth. Still, I’ll mention some of them: fainting, nausea, loss of appetite, blurred vision, increased sweating. These symptoms mostly disappear after a few days.Dangerous contraindications are possible too; if you notice a worsening of your condition, suicidal thoughts, and sudden panic attacks, contact a doctor who will adjust your treatment.
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