One of the cruel facts of life is that even as hair disappears from many a man’s head, it still continues to grow lush and thick elsewhere on their bodies. You may not put much thought into your body hairstyle, but it’s time that you should. Ever since the rise of the metrosexual, it is not only normal but also expected for men to groom their body hair. If you need a little help with your own manscaping, fear not! Here are the definitive dos and don’ts for how to wear your body hair.
Armpit Hair
DO trim
Long and unruly underarm hair can get caught in your deodorant roller, cause you to sweat more, and worst of all, resemble something attached to a Treasure Troll. There’s nothing wrong with giving your pits a slight trim just to keep things neat and tidy.
DON’T shave
While trimming is a-okay, resist the urge to shave your underarms completely bare. It is expected for men to have some hair under there! As long as you trim regularly, there is no need to shave it all off, which looks startling (and not in a good way).
Back and Shoulder Hair
DO remove it
There’s no getting around it. There’s nothing sexy about back hair. Consider waxing or even something more permanent, such as laser hair removal.
DON’T have back or shoulder hair
Chest Hair
DO groom
A little bit of hair is good, but nobody likes a rug. With each day that passes since Burt Reynolds’ reign as a hairy, 70s sex god, people are less likely to find a bear-like chest attractive. Thin your hair out with an electric shaver. You’ll still look like a man, but not one who could pass for a woodland animal.
DON’T wax or shave it all off
Are you noticing a pattern here? A completely bare chest is a little bit too Justin Bieber-y to appeal to adults. It’s good to try to look younger, but that’s pushing it. Worse, the prickly stubble that emerges when it begins to grow back is not very fun to caress. Unless you’re Michael Phelps (or some other competitive athlete) and removing body hair to increase speed, there is nothing appealing about a totally hairless bod.
Hair Down There
DO keep it trimmed
Don’t keep your clean and neat look limited to body hair from the waist up. In fact, this might be the area that’s most important to keep trimmed (if you want it to receive any special attention, that is). It’s cleaner, it looks nicer, and it’s more pleasant to, uh, interact with. A shorter do’ down there can even help create the illusion of bigger…, if you know what we mean.
DON’T go Brazilian
Women might spend hours and thousands of dollars to achieve a hairless look below the belt, but that doesn’t mean men should do the same. Men are supposed to be the hairier sex! A hair-free genital region looks ridiculous and can even make the men who do this come across as vain and sex-obsessed.
Gina Volpe is a writer living in New York City. She enjoys reading about the lastest hair tips and trends from She thankfully does not have back or shoulder hair.
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