One of the very best ways to get in shape while learning how to defend yourself is Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. NYC is full of martial arts studios that offer training in this area, but not all are equal. The problem for most, however, is not the schools but the misconceptions about the art floating around out there. There are so many beliefs that people have and rumors going around about jiu jitsu that are just flat out wrong. Following are some of the common misconceptions about Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and the truth that shoots them down.
I Have to Be In Great Shape to Start Training
Of course being in great shape makes any athletic endeavor easier. However, it is not necessary for getting started. In fact, training in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in NYC or anywhere else, is exactly what is going to get you into shape. Amazingly, one hour of class burns 1,000 calories. This is not only for young, already athletic types. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu was designed to help the smaller and weaker members of society to be better able to defend themselves. It is truly for everyone.
It is Too Late to Start Training
While the earlier you start the more time you have to train and the better you can become, it is never too late. Anyone can start at any time. Young and old alike can find benefit in Brazilian jiu jitsu. NYC offers plenty of opportunities for this.
I Have to Fight
Live training and sparring is a major part of training for many who enjoy the sport. However, there are plenty who simply come to class for the workout. The benefits are amazing, and being surrounded by others with similar goals and a positive vibe make it that much better. There is no requirement, nor will anyone be forced to spar. It is perfectly acceptable to train for the workout benefits alone.
I Have to Compete
Competing is fun, if you are competitive. There are plenty who train in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu that do not compete on any level. Just like no one has to spar, no one has to compete. Individual goals are just that, individual. The reason for training will vary with each student, and if competition is not a part of that, that is acceptable as well.
There are many reasons to begin training in Jiu Jitsu. It is a great workout, it is great for self-defense, and it works wonders for one’s self-confidence. Unfortunately, there are just as many reasons people use to not get started due to simple misconceptions. That is exactly what these are however. There is no need to worry about ability due to what kind of shape you are in, age, or desire to fight or compete. These things are simply not an issue. This sport is a great workout for anyone that needs or wants to get into shape, and the ability to defend yourself if necessary is an added bonus. It could be seen as the other way around as well, and of course for those who want, the sparring and competition can be great fun. For more information about Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, click here.
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Faith Stewart writes for a variety of Mixed Martial Art sites.
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