Many people don’t realize that they have an alcohol dependency, addiction, or disorder until it becomes an apparent problem. According to a report by the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 5.8% of American adults have one form or another of alcohol use disorder. In 2018, only 7.8 percent of adults with AUD sought help. Alcohol addiction is a common problem, not only in the U.S. but also in other parts of the world.
There is no shame in admitting you have alcohol addiction; it’s something that can happen to just about anybody, and the reason can vary widely from person to person. If you notice that you have an alcohol addiction, the first and most important step is accepting that it’s a problem, and only then can you appreciate finding ways to overcome the addiction.
There are many rehab centers and treatment facilities such as Castle Craig equipped with highly-trained professionals who can help you overcome your alcohol addiction. If you’re still not convinced that you need help, here are a few reasons that might change your mind.
Alcohol Addiction Hurts the People Around You
You may not realize it, but your alcohol addiction could be hurting the people around you more than it’s hurting you. It’s the close family members – children and spouses that mostly bear the brunt of an addiction problem. It’s really not fair to hurt your loved ones in a way that can be avoided. If you genuinely care about your family and friends, you should at least do it for them.
Often Leads to Money Problems
Alcohol addiction and money problems often go hand in hand. Firstly, maintaining an alcohol-dependent lifestyle is not what you’d call cheap. Plus, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep track of money and even keep a job. Add money issues to the stresses that led to the addiction in the first place, and it only exacerbates the problem.
It’s Bad for Your Health
Alcoholism can lead to a host of adverse and even fatal health conditions such as liver disease, hypertension, heart disease, and some types of cancer. Besides physical health, unchecked alcohol intake can also cause mental and emotional health issues, including anxiety, depression, paranoia, and hallucinations.
In addition, alcohol addicts are more likely to get into accidents and other life-threatening situations. It simply isn’t worth risking your health and life. Overcoming your addiction could very well mean saving your life.
Alcohol Is A Gateway to Drug Use
Alcohol often carves the path to even more severe addictions to hard drugs. It doesn’t matter your age or social status; it’s easy to get pulled into other drugs through alcohol addiction. Sometimes the kick from alcohol doesn’t seem to hit hard enough, and you could end up looking for longer-lasting or harder highs. This is how some alcohol addicts end up abusing other substances such as cocaine, heroin and crack. It might help to nip the problem in the bud before it becomes unmanageable.
Addiction Can Affect Your Social Status
It’s often impossible to maintain a respectable social status as an alcohol addict. Many of your friends and colleagues who are repulsed by your behavior or choice of lifestyle may start avoiding you and your company in social gatherings and activities. Others might think of you as untrustworthy or uncouth. The big problem is, the new friends and company you keep as an alcohol addict are really not the kind of people you would probably hang out with or consider friends under different circumstances.
There is no sugar coating it, battling alcohol addiction can be difficult, and many addicts never see it through. On the bright side, it’s totally possible to overcome an alcohol addiction; you just need strong motivation and little help and support.
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