As a wheelchair user I would like to promote the many sports and sporting activities now available to disabled people, of course after the 2012 Paralympics we are all more aware of the variety of sports enjoyed by disabled people and I must admit even a few of them took me by surprise and I have been a wheelchair user for some 35+ years! Blind cricket and Blind golf being two that always surprised me, not because I don’t think that blind people aren’t up to playing cricket or golf, quite the opposite always I am always amazes me just what blind people can achieve.
A whole new attitude and variety of sports seems to have sprung up since the Paralympics, probably because it’s just spurred the interest in sport and of course funding has become available for new sports such as martial arts, scuba-diving and an exciting selection of disabled motorsports.
Okay you probably get the idea by now and this article is as much for people with disabilities as it is for the non-disabled that have never considered disabled people might enjoy sports let alone take part in highly thrilled and fast moving sports like wheelchair rugby that I’ve always considered to be simply death on wheels but with serious attitude, if anybody has ever watched wheelchair rugby in full swing you will know why is also known as “Murderball”.
For anybody looking to take up a disability sport may be for the enjoyment, maybe to get fit as well as enjoying the social side of being involved in a club then I would seriously suggest that you check out the very comprehensive disabled sports section of the Ableize disability directory where you will find a whole host of disabled sports and sporting ideas in what is the largest disabled recreation and sports resource available on the Internet.
Guest Author: Robin is a qualified disability access auditor, wheelchair user and owner of the Ableize Disability Directory.
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