Ringworm is a very horrible problem to have, especially when it’s on very visible area on your body like your face. Most people want to hide their ringworm infection because it looks nasty and very unattractive. However, if you have this fungal infection on your face there is nothing you can do to hide it. Your only other option is to find a good ringworm treatment and get rid of it.
Before we get into how to get rid of ringworm on your face let’s find out how this infection developed in the first place. A fungus known as dermatophytes is what causes ringworm to develop, and since it’s very contagious it’ll spread to almost any area on your skin. In fact, most people develop this problem when they touch a person who already has it.
Sometimes people will get infected because they have a pet living in their home that has it. This infection is so contagious that if you even touch an item or clothes that has come in contact with it you’ll get it. You need to watch your surroundings carefully too because the ringworm causing fungus can survive in certain areas areas like floor mats, swimming pool areas, public showers and locker rooms.
Older people are the ones who are most vulnerable to developing ringworm on their face. However, if your immune system is too weak you will be at a very high risk of encountering this issue.
When you develop this problem you’ll notice red rings that look like patches on certain parts of your body.
When it comes to treatment most people often turn to creams to treat the ringworm on their face. Another very common way to treat ringworm on the facial area is to take oral medications that are designed to kill the fungus from the inside.
With the cream you will have to apply it topically to the areas that you notice the red ring like rash. You will need to keep applying it as much as possible for sometimes a few weeks until it finally disappears. The downside to using topical fungal creams is that the problem often times returns soon after it leaves. The main reason for this is because the creams don’t treat the main cause of the problem just the symptoms.
However, when you take oral medications will do a better job of killing the fungus which caused the ringworm to develop in the first place. By killing off the fungus in your body the ringworm won’t be able to return once you finally remove it. The downside to using oral medications to treat ringworm is the fact that it will take much longer to actually remove the appearance of the infection. It’s definitely a slow process but it’s worth it.
A good way to treat yourself is to remove the ringworm by applying the topical cream and then once it’s removed start taking the oral medication too keep the infection from coming back later on down the road. Using the combination of topical creams and oral medications is a great way to keep your skin ringworm free for a long time.
Always make sure you limit the spread of ringworm so the problem doesn’t get worse. To do this you’ll need to confine the fungus in just one location by keeping the infection covered. Also, make sure you throw away or disinfect anything you use that has touched the area where the ringworm is present, as you don’t want to get anybody else infected.
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Tanya says
Never…ever…”cover” ring worm. That is misinformation. You want fungal infections to breathe. Fungi flourishes in moist environments. Covering ring worm will create a moist environment.