Naturopathic doctors are known to be experts when it comes to the use of natural remedies. They combine all the healing properties of nature with the cutting edge medical advances provided by modern science to create holistic medicine, which provides a safe solution to a patient’s medical problems. Naturopathic doctors use a host of non-invasive therapies, such as herbal medicine, homeopathy, clinical nutrition, and hydrotherapy. A large number of doctors in the field also have training in natural childbirth, Oriental medicine, and acupuncture.
Education & Work Setting
Most naturopathic doctors have a doctorate in naturopathic medicine from one of America’s five naturopathic schools that are accredited. This degree is proof that the individual has the necessary clinical and didactic training to safely and effectively practice Naturopathic Medicine. A doctorate degree also prepares these individuals to be general practitioners and to work with other providers of medical treatment. It is common for a naturopathic doctor to work with other medical providers in integrated settings. This provides all patients with a service capable of treating their specific needs.
Naturopathic doctors receive training at residential naturopathic medical programs that are post-graduate courses of four years or more in duration. The conventional medical sciences are covered in detail, including topics such as laboratory diagnosis, pathology, physiology, anatomy, immunology, and microbiology. This is a unique form of education in the medical field, because naturopathic physicians need to also complete a comprehensive course relating to clinical and academic education in the use of natural medicines, where naturopathic medical principles are followed.
Board Exams
All doctors in this field must pass the Naturopathic Physicians Licensing Exam (NPLEX) and look to gain a state license. There are a number of states in the nation that currently license naturopathic doctors including Utah, Oregon, California, and Arizona. In these states, NDs are able to practice as independent general practitioners and can diagnose and treat medical conditions, order lab testing, and conduct physical examinations.
Visiting a Naturopathic Doctor
If you are looking for treatment from a naturopathic doctor for the first time, it is important to note that you will not be rushed. Your first appointment will involve the doctor taking your medical history and finding out about your stress levels, dieting, plus use of tobacco and alcohol. An examination will be performed and the doctor may order some diagnostic tests. Don’t assume that you will be treated with herbs and sent on your way, naturopathic doctors are completely up to date with modern scientific research and utilize their findings when treating patients.
Believe it or not, your first visit to a naturopathic doctor could last for up to 2 hours with follow-up visits lasting a minimum of 30 minutes at a time. If you elect to use a naturopathic doctor, it could be an extremely wise choice, as your health will be thoroughly scrutinized and if you are in need of treatment, the doctor will prescribe the best remedy, regardless of whether it is herbal or otherwise.
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My name is Thomas and I enjoy writing about issues related to health and wellness such as how to lose weight, good tips for getting in shape and how to find the best naturopathic doctor Phoenix, AZ has to offer.
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