Health and safety doesn’t have the best reputation. It is generally associated with a tedious lecture you’re forced to endure whenever you start a new job. Rules and regulations differ from company to company so while it might seem like a waste of time, health and safety could ultimately keep you from harm.
To illustrate the point, here are seven occasions when someone really should have taken health and safety a little more seriously. Unless you want to end up on a list like this one day, make sure you follow the regulations in the place where you work (or anywhere) and have a laugh at those people who don’t.
DIY Safety Goggles
If you are ever faced with the choice of whether to buy proper personal protection equipment or to have a go at making your own makeshift version, return to this photo. Study it, absorb its message and buy the damn safety goggles.
Hi Vis Horse
There’s a time and a place for hi vis clothing. It’s just possible that there’s a better use for it than as a hat for a horse. It may well keep the ears warm, but it is unlikely to do much else. The horse even has an expression that suggests it knows how ridiculous it looks.
Think Safety First!
The irony. The irony is physically painful.
Either this is one of the most ironic photographs ever taken or that business needs this sign more desperately than it could ever know.
Truck repair fail
Just to check – that flimsy-looking piece of wood that is holding up a two tonne truck is indestructible, right? It is? Good! For a moment there I thought you were doing something monumentally stupid.
Ladder fail
As a rule, a human being in a check shirt makes a relatively poor ladder. One small slip and these two guys will understand intimately why that is.
Another ladder fail
Then again, it seems even those people who are smart enough to buy a ladder cannot necessarily be trusted to use it in an intelligent way.
Danger. Flammable Gas
That sign is clearly on the wrong side of the barrier. Someone needs to tell him that burning cigarettes and flammable gas make a fairly volatile combination. He’s got his safety hat on, at least. That’s something.
Article provided by Mike James, an independent content writer working together with JP Supplies, leading supplier of cleaning materials and PPE equipment in South East England.
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